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CPA Offers on Pinterest


New Member
I Just started promoting some CPA offers on pinterest and have been stay relatively consistent since I opened the page, first few days I was more trying to figure out the platform and how to approach it but the last 3 days Ive been more consistent and plan on continuing, but I'm just curious what others experience has been doing this.
What was the time frame from launch to your first commission? when did you see an increase or decrease in traffic?
Are you buying ads or trying to get organic traffic?

If you are trying the free traffic (organic) approach
  1. post views --less the b0t pests (who fkn knows)
  2. use a ''friendly'' domain name for your URL in the post (query string parameters: post=map record 129)
  3. link to your a tracker (then pre-landing [bridge page] ) and filter out the bots (if you can)
  4. actual click (bridge page->CTA -> offer) or redirect through the tracker good traffic (you hope) to the offer
  5. you will get 1 sale in 15 to 50 legit referrals (sometimes better) at that point it all depends on the quality of the offer and the conversion that are actually recorded and approved.
  6. there is no general answer without data and details ...
  7. What was the time frame from launch to your first commission? when did you see an increase or decrease in traffic?
    The answer is 42 --Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy ;)


Man, that took <6 seconds LMAO
Right now I'm just using organic traffic, creating a landing page on with sites. google and inserting the link to the networks offer there.
I'm still in the figuring out what I'm doing phase, as actually doing this is new to me. Would I be better off with a content locker or a domain name for my landing page? I'm testing this out in the sweepstake vertical

how would I connect the link to a tracker?
Last edited:
how would I connect the link to a tracker?
Posted link --> landing page
  • is just a redirect through the tracker
  • the CTA button is a link to the tracker


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <title>Redirect Page</title>
    // Function to perform the redirect
    function redirect() {
      window.location.href = ''; // Replace with your desired URL

    // Check if the client is a human (basic example)
    function isHuman() {
      // You can add more sophisticated checks here if needed
      return true; // For simplicity, always assume it's a human

    // Delay the redirect for 1 second
    function delayRedirect() {
      if (isHuman()) {
        setTimeout(redirect, 1000); // 1000 milliseconds = 1 second
      } else {
        // Handle the case where it's not a human (optional)
        console.log("Not a human! Redirect aborted.");

    // Call the delayRedirect function when the page loads
    window.onload = delayRedirect;
  <p>Redirecting in 1 second...</p>

function isHuman() {
  // Check user agent for common browsers
  const userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
  const isCommonBrowser =

  // Check screen size to ensure it's not a tiny device (e.g., bots running on headless browsers)
  const isLargeScreen = window.innerWidth >= 768 && window.innerHeight >= 576;

  // You can add more sophisticated checks here if needed

  // Return true if both conditions are met
  return isCommonBrowser && isLargeScreen;

// Example usage
let isHumanResult = isHuman();
console.log("Is the user a human?", isHumanResult);


for mobile devices >=300

continued --make the machine work for you:
for mobile

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <title>Redirect Page</title>
    function isMobile() {
      const userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
      const isMobileBrowser =
        /android|webos|iphone|ipad|ipod|blackberry|iemobile|opera mini/i.test(userAgent);

      // Check screen size to ensure it's a reasonable size for a mobile device
      const isSmallScreen = window.innerWidth <= 768 && window.innerHeight <= 576;

      // Return true if both conditions are met
      return isMobileBrowser && isSmallScreen;

    function redirect() {
      window.location.href = ''; // Replace with your desired URL

    function delayRedirect() {
      if (isMobile()) {
        setTimeout(redirect, 1000); // 1000 milliseconds = 1 second
      } else {
        console.log("Not a mobile device or screen size is too large. Redirect aborted.");

    window.onload = delayRedirect;
  <p>Redirecting in 1 second...</p>

then we want a larger dimension for tablet and desktop added to the mobile

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <title>Redirect Page</title>
    function getDeviceType() {
      const userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
      if (/android|webos|iphone|ipad|ipod|blackberry|iemobile|opera mini/i.test(userAgent)) {
        return 'mobile';
      } else if (/tablet/i.test(userAgent)) {
        return 'tablet';
      } else {
        return 'desktop';

    function isSuitableScreenSize(deviceType) {
      const isLargeScreen = window.innerWidth >= 1024 && window.innerHeight >= 768;

      // Check screen size based on device type
      switch (deviceType) {
        case 'mobile':
          return window.innerWidth <= 768 && window.innerHeight <= 576;
        case 'tablet':
          return window.innerWidth <= 1024 && window.innerHeight <= 768;
        case 'desktop':
          return isLargeScreen;
          return false;

    function redirect() {
      window.location.href = ''; // Replace with your desired URL

    function delayRedirect() {
      const deviceType = getDeviceType();
      if (isSuitableScreenSize(deviceType)) {
        setTimeout(redirect, 1000); // 1000 milliseconds = 1 second
      } else {
        console.log(`Not a suitable device type or screen size for ${deviceType}. Redirect aborted.`);

    window.onload = delayRedirect;
  <p>Redirecting in 1 second...</p>

This may catch headless click-bots. This script needs to be tested. ChatGPT is the author of these scripts. I only supplied the programming logic to be applied.

These scripts and all code is offered AS-IS and Without Warranty, neither explicit nor implied.

function redirect() {
      window.location.href = ''; // Replace with your TRACKER'S URL

on a normal webpage with content and you want a click on some button image ...

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <title>Image Button Redirect</title>
    /* Optional: Add some basic styling to the button */
    #imageButton {
      cursor: pointer;
      border: none;
      padding: 0;
      background: none;
      outline: none;
    function redirectToLink() {
      // Replace this with the actual URL you want to redirect to
      window.location.href = '';

<!-- Image button with link redirection -->
<button id="imageButton" onclick="redirectToLink()">
  <img src="your-image-source.jpg" alt="Click Me">


you want to change the names :D

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