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BangBros offer - promotion methods


New Member
Hi there,

being in the adult adult CPA + PPC "business" since 6 months now and have a specific question regarding a specific offer. Here we go:

I'd like to know which is the best part to promote CPA offers with CC submit => PPS.

I'd like to promote the "BangBros" offer which is available on PeerFly and other networks. I've tried plugrush with landers and without. Plugs/Pops and Clicks but did not have any luck.

Could someone give me some advice how to promote such offer? (Maybe other traffic source, etc.)

Help would be appreciated!

I wouldn't test PPS offers on PlugRush unless you have proven funnel.

I'd recommend start with top tier adult traffic sources like TrafficJuny, Exoclick, Reporo, etc
Hi lrs,

thanks for your advice...

I've started a second thread for my Plugrush traffic problem... Maybe you could give me some good tipps how to monetize this kind of traffic.

Plugrush is a difficult traffic source for PPS, I think. I tried a couple of cam offers, but never got any conversions.
But I like them a lot from the publisher point of view, quite good paying ads.
i just use plugrush to run games/app/sweeptakes,it's more easy to get conversions,also you can Optimizate the traffic
as for CPS ,i think EXO TF TJ are better choices.
In my opinion the issue is not the traffic source.
The issue is that PPS offers are pretty hard to convert and you have to spend some cash to find how to make it work.
I would recommend to setup and optimize a campaign with the same CPA offer. And after you see some decent success with it (50%-100% ROI) just switch to PPS and test it with the same funnel.
First of all, join CrakRevenue (ref link), because they pay higher on the adult offer like BangBros offer than Peerfly pays ($35 to $28).

Second, PlugRush are focus mostly on Mobile traffic, so my blank guess is that mobile traffic converts much NOT better than desktop traffic.
Second, PlugRush are focus mostly on Mobile traffic, so my blank guess is that mobile traffic converts much NOT better than desktop traffic.
Plugrush has all kinds of traffic.

Both kinds of traffic convert. It depends more upon your funnel.
Hi there,

being in the adult adult CPA + PPC "business" since 6 months now and have a specific question regarding a specific offer. Here we go:

I'd like to know which is the best part to promote CPA offers with CC submit => PPS.

I'd like to promote the "BangBros" offer which is available on PeerFly and other networks. I've tried plugrush with landers and without. Plugs/Pops and Clicks but did not have any luck.

Could someone give me some advice how to promote such offer? (Maybe other traffic source, etc.)

Help would be appreciated!


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Do alot of people actually sign up and pay for Bangbros? The free 1 minute trailers work just fine for me. For research of course. ;)