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Google AdSense Poison Words & The AdSense/AdWords Double Standard
Search Engine Roundtable
September 18, 2009

There is an interesting Google AdSense Help thread on the topic of specific words that seem to cause Google to show PSA (public service ads) that do not earn the publisher money.

One example I can show you is a blog post on my personal blog named Went To The Pizza Store Naked.... The word "naked" trigged AdSense to show a PSA in the ad slot, because it is against AdSense's TOS to show ads for adult content. If you read the blog post, you can clearly see that no one was naked but the toy troll.

So such words are counted by google adsense bot as adult and they do not display their advertisements? That is quite interesting.

I also had this website which was not receiving that much traffic. At that time whenever I viewed my website I used to see public service ads in my website. Then I advertised a bit and started getting some traffic and I also started seeing google advertisements on my websites with less of the psa's.