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Hey folks, just to let you all know, that we have filled our requirement for now.

We filled our open spots very quickly as you can probably imagine, if you havent yet been approved, do not worry, we will be approving more of you in the next few days.

I would like to say thank you to all of you that have applied via the CPAFix invitation so far, and for helping us to move towards our goal of becoming one of the best networks available!

Remember, if you havent yet applied, this invitiation is currently open ended, theres no "end date" and the freebies are available to all.

Thanks again

yes we can do paypal payments, although for larger balances I do prefer to do wires where possible.
More news, we are hot at the moment :)

Today we added our social network to the our tracking platform. These are very tightly integrated together and will allow you to socialise, make JV partners, participate in groups, and still keep an eye on your campaigns, no matter where you are on the platform.

I URGE you all to check it out and become involved. Theres no sign up, just simply log in with your adPulse account and its all there.

Talking of which, CPAFix members that have taken advantage of the promo but not yet been approved, today we will be approving a bunch more of you guys :)
I signed up and was approved today. Do I still get the $50 promo? Also what do you mean pay by wire? Western Union?
yup you still get it.

I have to credit everyone manually so takes me a little while :)

Wire is bank transfer.
I'm approved today. YEAH!. What to do? Hehe. I will pm you sir Dan.
Good luck in making money with adPulse! Hope it helps you to reach nearer to your $50 day goal!
As you are planning to build some niche sites, you could try adPulse in one or two :)
Same quastions for adpulse. Because i'm already in this network. And i like it.
Need to clear some quastions.

I will set up incentive site where i will offer services. And users will finish CPA offers to get my services for free...

1. what happens if from my page will come users with proxys and any other fraud stuff ? Do i need to control that (i suppose not) But i'm worrie about my account in your network. Do you ban account for that ? Because if yes then this is can destroy my bussines...

2. If you control fraud then is it possible situation when you will pay for lead and after some days or weeks you deduct this lead form my account ?
Not really any feature updates atm K. We are working on solidifying the platform and bringing in good offers etc. We have a few things planned for the coming months though so keep your eyes peeled :)

Affmen - Most fraud we catch on the traffic side of things, but there can still be fraud when the offer is completed. We wouldnt ban your account without talking to you first, to try and resolve any traffic issues there were. In the case of advertiser side fraud (bad credit card entry and all that kinda of thing) we would just reverse the leads yes.
Dan you are my affiliate manager, what is the best connection option with you ? Because you do not answer to skype form 15. june
next message i sent you 18. june but again nothing. And last one i sent 22. june and again no answer... Adpulse working without support. ? ? ?

P.S I really do not like complain, but i do not have any other chooses...
They are busy sometimes, but in their social platform. Some other guy will respond. Like john. :)

Dan you are my affiliate manager, what is the best connection option with you ? Because you do not answer to skype form 15. june
next message i sent you 18. june but again nothing. And last one i sent 22. june and again no answer... Adpulse working without support. ? ? ?

P.S I really do not like complain, but i do not have any other chooses...
you detailed instructions for new
I do not understand how to make money on it

Just because you obviously don't understand stuff doesn't mean you have to spam the forum and my (and who knows how many others) PM boxes. Dude, start reading very basic tutorials. Start DOING what one tutorial that seems like something you would enjoy doing says. If you don't understand English enough to understand the tutorials, start with learning the language ... spamming people will certainly not help you.
Hi I was away for a period of time in the middle of June, but everyone should of been able to get support from other staff members of adPulse. My apologies if you did not, measures to taken to ensure that everyone should.

I am back at my post now, and have been for a couple of days. If you would like to contact me, then I can assist you in any problems you had.


Busy ? In a 10 days no answer ? Thats bad support not busy
Busy ? In a 10 days no answer ? Thats bad support not busy

Dan was just awesome AM i have ever had during first 2 months which i have worked with. But im not able to reach ant Adpulse staffs from more than 20 days. I tried to contact them multi sources like email, social and AIM. i dont think they are bad support but they may not have any customer service team who responsibily to answer their aff. Anyways, i still waiting for their respond about my payment which Dan said he will processed it first thing when he got home. That kind of weird because he missed all his words.
Let me see what u going to do Dan. (im not really want to leave this comment based on our great relative but i need you or either your staffs to respond me at least)
Hi, I saw some bad reviews about Adpluse here affpaying .com/adpulse#comment
Dan, please make it clear.
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