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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate

Adfly is a good place to promote cpa offers ?

Adfly leads are the shittiest. If you want to use them to build a list and generate future paying customers for your business, think again. If you wanna use them for email/zip submits, you may get some profits but ultimately get dumped by the advertiser for poor quality. Cause he also wants to make money from his list.

Regardless I used adfly and linkbucks with good results (think 400% ROI was the record), but it was way way back in time. Using pin submits offers, cause once they do complete them, money is already in the advertisers pocket (or at least the carrier's pocket), so they will pay you too. And you can use this kind of offer for obscure cheap ass traffic countries. Still you gonna need a landing page for this, and a pretty damn good one or those ads won't fly.

Nowadays you can do this with much better results but going straight to mobile offers. Cause with 1-click flow offers, people just click some banners and that's it, money in the bank, and pin submit offers are nothing but mobile "ringtone-like" offers promoted through desktop. So way less efficient.

Cheers & good luck.
I've never had much luck with Adfly. Lots of traffic but no conversions. :(
Don't blame the traffic source, have you tested the offer for conversions. I guarantee 100% you didn't. People will either be attracted to your offer or not! All the people who normally say a traffic source is no good, don't have a clue about A/B testing of landing pages before they promote. And most of them send the prospect straight to the affiliate page, hoping and praying for a sale..."Total amateurs"!:cool:
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