The Most Active and Friendliest
Affiliate Marketing Community Online!

“Adavice”/  “CPA

54 years young looking to make some side money in this business


New Member
My name is Jake,

I suffered for years with the "shinny object syndrome"

I am commuting one year to studying affiliate marketing the correct way by staying focused on one thing at a time.

Looking forward to meeting some of you nice folk out there :)
My name is Jake,

I suffered for years with the "shinny object syndrome"

I am commuting one year to studying affiliate marketing the correct way by staying focused on one thing at a time.

Looking forward to meeting some of you nice folk out there :)

Hello @AVJ and a hearty welcome to the AffiliateFix! Great to have you join us.

SOS, yep, we've all been there at some point. It's exactly the same response we want from the public that see's our ads. HA!

Well, dig in your heels and remember to use our WIKI as your daily reference. Be active reporting your progress and asking for help when needed. Of course, contributions to help others is always welcome.

We look forward to seeing you around the forum.

Hello @AVJ and a hearty welcome to the AffiliateFix! Great to have you join us.

SOS, yep, we've all been there at some point. It's exactly the same response we want from the public that see's our ads. HA!

Well, dig in your heels and remember to use our WIKI as your daily reference. Be active reporting your progress and asking for help when needed. Of course, contributions to help others is always welcome.

We look forward to seeing you around the forum.

Thank you for your kind welcome!
There is so much information on here, being a newbie, were would you recommend starting at?

The single most important thing to begin with is a plan. Without a plan you can't determine the days, weeks, or months ahead.

Your plan will come together once you have determined a few very important elements as the core to your plan. This is a practice you will eventually find to be a part of daily life in this business. Researching, building a plan with the results, then taking action, are the elements of your business, as well as each campaign you launch. I want you to understand that our business is at least 50% research and maybe more.

1st, one must become very familiar with researching and references. Our WIKI should be your first reference on a daily basis. Always look there first for an answer. Not all answers will be there, but many will. Next, your second resource and reference should be the search function in this forum. Use the forum search to see what conversations may exist here pertaining to your reference and research needs. Ask questions and begin new threads as often as needed. That's what this forum is all about.

As a Newbie it will help you to know and understand the challenges of a Newbie. Before researching areas of online marketing to determine where to start, read this thread As a Newbie, What Stops You From Getting Started
to see the challenges and perceived obstacles of Newbies and the responses from me to correct the conditions of "I can't" and turning them into "I can".

Developing A Plan
1. Get a VPS
2. Select a vertical
3. Select a tracker
4. Select a couple of networks and get your approval
5. Select a traffic source
6. Create a schedule for researching, learning (training), and working. This is a business, treat it as such!
7. Create a budget for every expense (daily, weekly, monthly)
8. Be very active in this forum by researching, asking questions, helping others when you are able.

Your initial research will be to determine the area of Affiliate and/or CPA marketing you will initially master. Just one. One vertical, one traffic source, and one tracker to begin with and you will stick with these until you master them. This should take a couple of months. If you do not do this in this fashion, then you will spread yourself too thin and never accomplish your goals. You must master one of each in the beginning and no more.

This is where you start. Learning to master your first plan will give all you need to go on and devise and master new plans for your buisness.

Remember that this is a business, treat as such, and it will reward you for many years to come!


Another newbie here. Sorry for the dumb questions, but how about some definitions?
what is a VPS? a vertical? a tracker?

Virtual Private Server

A VPS runs its own copy of an operating system, and customers have superuser-level access to that operating system instance, so they can install almost any software that runs on that OS. For many purposes they are functionally equivalent to a dedicated physical server, and being software defined are able to be much more easily created and configured.

A VPS is the server of choice for Newbies. They are usually offered in 3 or 4 configurations by hosts with each level separated by RAM, CPU's, Bandwidth, etc. The higher the price, the more powerful the server.

Vertical Market

A vertical market is a market in which vendors offer goods and services specific to an industry, trade, profession, or other group of customers with specialized needs. Examples include DATING, HEALTH, MONEY, RELATIONSHIPS, etc.

Ad Campaign Trackers

Examples include, Prosper202, Tracker202, CPVLab, BEVO, Voluum, AdsBridge, Thrive, and many more.
This industry is truly all about collecting data and pushing your campaigns towards specific targets that are responsive to your ads. Trackers do exactly as their namesake suggests. They track, all of the data about each of your campaigns. Where the customer came from, where they went when they left the offer, if they performed with the offer, who is sending bad traffic to your ads, who is sending good traffic to your ads. Conversion rate reports, ROI reports, etc. The list can go on and on. It depends how many parameters you track to form the reports you want.
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Thanks much, TJ!

Virtual Private Server

A VPS runs its own copy of an operating system, and customers have superuser-level access to that operating system instance, so they can install almost any software that runs on that OS. For many purposes they are functionally equivalent to a dedicated physical server, and being software defined are able to be much more easily created and configured.

A VPS is the server of choice for Newbies. They are usually offered in 3 or 4 configurations by hosts with each level separated by RAM, CPU's, Bandwidth, etc. The higher the price, the more powerful the server.

Vertical Market

A vertical market is a market in which vendors offer goods and services specific to an industry, trade, profession, or other group of customers with specialized needs. Examples include DATING, HEALTH, RELATIONSHIPS, etc.

Ad Campaign Trackers

Examples include, Prosper202, Tracker202, CPVLab, BEVO, Voluum, AdsBridge, Thrive, and many more.
This industry is truly all about collecting data and pushing your campaigns towards specific targets that are responsive to your ads. Trackers do exactly as their namesake suggests. They track, all of the data about each of your campaigns. Where the customer came from, where they went when they left the offer, if they performed with the offer, who is sending bad traffic to your ads, who is sending good traffic to your ads. Conversion rate reports, ROI reports, etc. The list can go on and on. It depends how many parameters you track to form the reports you want.
The single most important thing to begin with is a plan. Without a plan you can't determine the days, weeks, or months ahead.

Your plan will come together once you have determined a few very important elements as the core to your plan. This is a practice you will eventually find to be a part of daily life in this business. Researching, building a plan with the results, then taking action, are the elements of your business, as well as each campaign you launch. I want you to understand that our business is at least 50% research and maybe more.

1st, one must become very familiar with researching and references. Our WIKI should be your first reference on a daily basis. Always look there first for an answer. Not all answers will be there, but many will. Next, your second resource and reference should be the search function in this forum. Use the forum search to see what conversations may exist here pertaining to your reference and research needs. Ask questions and begin new threads as often as needed. That's what this forum is all about.

As a Newbie it will help you to know and understand the challenges of a Newbie. Before researching areas of online marketing to determine where to start, read this thread As a Newbie, What Stops You From Getting Started
to see the challenges and perceived obstacles of Newbies and the responses from me to correct the conditions of "I can't" and turning them into "I can".

Developing A Plan
1. Get a VPS
2. Select a vertical
3. Select a tracker
4. Select a couple of networks and get your approval
5. Select a traffic source
6. Create a schedule for researching, learning (training), and working. This is a business, treat it as such!
7. Create a budget for every expense (daily, weekly, monthly)
8. Be very active in this forum by researching, asking questions, helping others when you are able.

Your initial research will be to determine the area of Affiliate and/or CPA marketing you will initially master. Just one. One vertical, one traffic source, and one tracker to begin with and you will stick with these until you master them. This should take a couple of months. If you do not do this in this fashion, then you will spread yourself too thin and never accomplish your goals. You must master one of each in the beginning and no more.

This is where you start. Learning to master your first plan will give all you need to go on and devise and master new plans for your buisness.

Remember that this is a business, treat as such, and it will reward you for many years to come!

This is great information TJ! Do you by chance do any coaching at all? I'd love to have someone walk me through this. If not, anyone you would recommend?

This is great information TJ! Do you by chance do any coaching at all? I'd love to have someone walk me through this. If not, anyone you would recommend?

Typically, most of us don't recommend coaches to absolute newbies. One, they want to take short cuts. Two, Newbies typically can't afford the cost of an instructor. Three, most are impatient, bullish, and think this business should be making them rich in the first 6 months. An estimated 5% of Newbies make it to a permanent level of earning. More often than not, these precious 5% take their time, follow instructions, invest in their business, and don't spread themselves too thin. The road to success requires work, investment, and is full of distractions which most Newbies fall prey to. Most quit long before they learn to master the basics because they feel they don't need to bother learning the basics.

I have done coaching and tutoring in many venues including IM. I've been putting a new platform together that will host a limited number of students at the pure Newbie level. It's selective, and will require the students to qualify. I'll post the details soon in the Business Section of our forum.

Meanwhile, have you completed what I suggested in post #6 of this thread?
Typically, most of us don't recommend coaches to absolute newbies. One, they want to take short cuts. Two, Newbies typically can't afford the cost of an instructor. Three, most are impatient, bullish, and think this business should be making them rich in the first 6 months. An estimated 5% of Newbies make it to a permanent level of earning. More often than not, these precious 5% take their time, follow instructions, invest in their business, and don't spread themselves too thin. The road to success requires work, investment, and is full of distractions which most Newbies fall prey to. Most quit long before they learn to master the basics because they feel they don't need to bother learning the basics.

I have done coaching and tutoring in many venues including IM. I've been putting a new platform together that will host a limited number of students at the pure Newbie level. It's selective, and will require the students to qualify. I'll post the details soon in the Business Section of our forum.

Meanwhile, have you completed what I suggested in post #6 of this thread?

I will be going through it tonight, a lot I admit, even after you laying this out for me is foreign to me. That's why I questioned you about the possibility of coaching. Affiliate website marketing compared to CPA and etc...

I also understand the time it takes and like you said; "Newbies typically can't afford the cost". But who knows? I will really look forward to seeing what you have put together! I sure appreciate the time you have shared with me already TJ :) I'd really like to be in that 5%! I don't mind working hard knowing there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Thank you.