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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate


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AffKit Ninja
Alexa's 2021 checklist for writing blog posts


Read the whole post to read full explanation and understand each action point in the list
  1. Create a starter headline
  2. Identify your audience
  3. Know your purpose
  4. Assign one primary keyword
  5. Use the primary keyword in the headline
  6. Assign a few secondary keywords
  7. Write 300+ words
  8. Add value
  9. Show, don’t tell
  10. Use the active voice
  11. Write for an eighth-grade reading level
  12. Don’t steal content
  13. Provide proper sources
  14. Use subheadings
  15. Use the primary keyword in at least one subheading
  16. Break up big paragraphs
  17. Highlight important information
  18. Add supporting graphics
  19. Ensure that images are the right size
  20. Add the primary keyword to the image alt tag
  21. Use the primary keyword in the image file name and title
  22. Avoid image copyright infringement
  23. Use the primary keyword in the page title
  24. Use the primary keyword in the meta description
  25. Use the primary keyword in the first paragraph
  26. Use the primary keyword near the end of the copy
  27. Use the primary keyword naturally in the copy
  28. Use each secondary keyword at least once in the copy
  29. Add links to relevant internal pages
  30. Add links to other high-quality webpages
  31. Set outbound links to open a new page
  32. End with a call-to-action
  33. Write additional headlines
  34. Optimize for social sharing
  35. Perform a final copy edit
  36. Check on-page SEO
  1. Learn how and when to use trigger words (and what they are --and those specific to your audience).
  2. Use colloquial grammar that is common to your audience.
  3. Use spellcheck so you don't look stupid --misspelled words are a red flag to a reader if their IQ is above a carrot :p
    Be careful of you, your, you're, it's, it and words like spell check that get past the spellcheck app :D