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  1. Indoleads

    Guide The Best Affiliate Programs for Ramadan 2024

    With the advent of Ramadan on March 10th this year, affiliate marketers are poised to embark on a journey of opportunity. Ramadan, a cherished time of spiritual devotion and communal solidarity, also serves as a beacon for heightened consumer engagement and digital commerce. From the bustling...
  2. bartino11

    What are the best free online guides for learning affiliate marketing?

    What would you recommend having to learn more about the commonalities of affiliate marketing?
  3. jhony4k

    Hello Everyone - Shouts from BD!!

    Ive just onboard with AffiliateFix. Great shouts. Really curious to learn from the genius marketers. It will be a pleasure to get in touch with other members and contribute to society. Im very new in the subject matter and will need a definite guideline to expand the network and level-up from...
  4. Evelyn

    Google’s Misleading Ad Restrictions: We've Got Your Back!

    Hello everyone! As you are probably aware, Google is becoming stricter in terms of what kind of ads are considered misleading. Many webmasters are updating their compliance rules accordingly and publishers are using TrafficStars' proprietary flagging technology to make sure they stay compliant...
  5. AffiliateDude

    [Newbie Guide] How To Pick An Offer

    There's tons of CPA offers how do you pick someone that has potential? Everyone wants to know, this guide should help you out if you are new. Ok first log into your favorite CPA network and find offers. Sort by EPC Bear in mind that EPC can be misleading so take it with a grain of salt...
  6. 6077

    Going serious. CPA revenue for budget go start ppc.

    Hello, ive Bern around cpa ppd for years and really need to start focus and get myself Up and working for atlest a $2000/month more wouldnt hyrt as i got really much free time. Currently doing cpa for a while. Pretty much automatic revenue. But its fading. Should i maybe Invest and scale. Open...
  7. Xerodevil

    Books and information

    I need some good resources to study the ins and outs of affiliate marketing. My first attempt failed due to lack of knowledge. I am currently scouring this forum, but I would also like to know about books and other guides that would assist me with furthering my knowledge. Thank you in advance.