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facbook ads

  1. Dr. cash

    Guide Facebook Ads Library: why it's better than most spy tools and how to use it properly?

    There are several approaches to creating ad creatives for affiliate marketing and the most common one is uniquelization and refining other people's creatives from spy services. New spy tools for Facebook appear on the market regularly, like mushrooms after rain (or like anti-detect browsers)...
  2. L

    FB encapsulated

    Hey guys! I'm studying the affiliate branch, but I'm in doubt about what I should promote on FB ads. I'm seeing an encapsulated one, but I would like to know which product you recommend to start with?
  3. nvlen4404

    Optimize ads with FB

    Hi everyone, I'm advertising on FB Although I have many advantages with FB ads because of discounted budgets, I still can't get much profit with my campaigns I only used a few optimizations with the FB advertiser so the results were still too expensive, even though with the same content and...
  4. A

    New to FB ads+clickbank , need help

    Hi, I'm new to affiliate marketing, currently learning facebook ads + clickbank product (nutra offer). I have some issues understanding which parts of a funnel need improvement and what are the good/average conversion rates between parts of the funnel. I once saw a great video on youtube...
  5. Latoya

    FB ads in a nutshell

    So I was doing tons of research (it’s 230am and I’m still searching) but there are things or holes to what needs to be done as a newbie to get started with CPA affiliate marketing. For instance, here is what I know so far. 1)Find good deal on affiliate site 2)take link to Facebook and create...
  6. GaryCook

    Facebook offline conversions for CPA?

    Hi, Is anybody using the Facebook Offline Conversions API for CPA marketing? Since most networks don't accept the normal conversion pixel I was thinking that maybe a good way to track conversions instead? Most networks allow firing a URL. I have not tried it before but I do know a lot of PHP.
  7. G

    Looking For JV Business Proposal for Professional Affiliates - Google Adwords & Facbook Ads

    Hi, I'm an internet marketer and working directly with private clients. I am ready for a jv. I'm looking for expert google adwords & facebook advertisers who can convert the traffic into sales. You need to have good offers to promote and must know the terms and conditions for both platforms...
  8. Bloody Tourist

    Scaling FB campaign, need help!

    Hey guys, Some of you might know from my binary options ama, but due to stricter regulations and countries banning this type of trading, I'm trying to diversify. So I started a couple of campaigns on FB and got one of them profitable pretty fast. Right now my ad spend is $100 per day and in...
  9. PSP

    Glad To Be Here + First Question on CPA

    Hi all, I just stumbled on this great affiliate community and I decided to introduce myself...with a question ;). But first I'm relatively new on the Affiliate scene(about 2 years) but I've learnt a lot the hard way and now my aim is to learn and EARN the easier way! I have moderate experience...
  10. sergeda

    All ads shows active but no views on FB

    Hi. I have number of campaigns with one ad in each. Campaigns are active as well as ad inside. Most of them is post boost ads but one is video view. Budget is set to automatic. But I don't get any impressions. Video views campaign got some impressions and views on first day but then got stuck...
  11. K

    How to create new AD account without ban?

    Hi there! I create new FB account for AD, go to business manager, set payment method is my credit card (MasterCard, not virtual), make first test campaign and my acc is blocked (Securuty reasons)... I know that is frequent problem, but i never see the complete decision of this. How to create...