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  1. King Conga

    How to Insert a Hyperlink in My Signature

    I was just trying to update my Signature and I wanted to place a hyperlink to my blog site, but I couldn't find the device to insert the link. Where is that? Pls advise. Thanks,
  2. King Conga

    Does This Site Officially Recommend Any HTML Website Designers

    Thanks Guys. First of all, I'm not really SELLING the equipment. I'm creating a place where musicians that are researching equipment can come and in 15-30 mins can do the research that would take 6 weeks, or even months from reading a compilation of 100's of consumer reviews from probably 25...
  3. King Conga

    Does This Site Officially Recommend Any HTML Website Designers

    I've got an HTML site that's partially finished: It's my first site I've ever attempted, but I'm in over my head. I just have a few subtle technicalities to fix to get the core of the site completed. My hosting site (HostGator) offers a web building service, but they say they...
  4. King Conga

    The Best Free Blogging Alternative to HubPages, or WP dot Com

    It's not that I'm cheap, but I'm on a fixed income of $1,000/mo., and webhosting has a few priorities ahead of it, if you catch my drift. It SUX that selfish people ruined HubPages for the rest of us. I was thinking of simply using their high-traffic as my website and posting my affiliate links...
  5. King Conga

    Why Can't I Post This?

    Thanks. Thanks. I was trying to post it in the Copywriting Forum. Here's the title. Building My Copywriting/Social Analysis Biz
  6. King Conga

    Why Can't I Post This?

    Hello, I'm respectfully asking why the system won't allow me to make this post. Here's the post. "Hey Gang. Me again. I've been trying to rattle my brain for some creative ideas on how to get around the chicken-or-the-egg situation of how do I get referrals if I don't have any business, and...
  7. King Conga

    Is 12 Min. Affiliate Program Legit

    I think I'll go for a refund.
  8. King Conga

    Is 12 Min. Affiliate Program Legit

    This may be a silly question, and the only reason I'm asking is cuz when I signed up for it I was OK with the $47/mo. fee, and I swallowed the $19/mo. AWeber fee. But when I saw the minim $100 fee to buy traffic, and there was absolutely mention of that in the entire 1hr long video by Devon...
  9. King Conga

    SEO Researching for Website Name

    Thanks Robert. I knew about Trends. Just wanted to vfy that was the best choice.
  10. King Conga

    SEO Researching for Website Name

    Hey folks, Isn't there some kind of free (or trial) tool that I can use to research trends on what would be the best name for my website?
  11. King Conga

    DEFINITELY Noobie Question

    Thanks DarkXavier, Just a DETAILED step-by-step process. I'm sure there may be some floating around the web. I'm just wondering if you've ever seen any. Thanks
  12. King Conga

    DEFINITELY Noobie Question

    Hello All, I wish to fall on your grace and mercy in any advice for this question. It may be easy, and/or silly, but I need answers nonetheless. I'm quickly approaching the familiar point where I've been 3-4 times before where the technology itself, as well as how fast it changes begins to...
  13. King Conga

    Using Different Affiliate Programs for Same Niche

    Thanks Graybeard. Seriously. If I could change gears a little could you pls indulge me. I'm quickly approaching the familiar point where I've been 3-4 times before where the technology itself, as well as how fast it changes begins to overwhelm me so I feel like I'm drowning in the middle of the...
  14. King Conga

    Using Different Affiliate Programs for Same Niche

    I'm planning to start a blog for drum lessons. I'm in the middle of keyword and niche research now. My question is simply this. 1. If I belong to several affiliate program(s) am I allowed to link to all of them, or more than 1 in 1 blog? 2. How do I send readers to different programs...
  15. King Conga

    The More I Know, The More I Don't

    I tell ya, although, I'm thoroughly convinced working with Wealthy Affiliate is the way to go, and I know I can make $$$, but I still feel like I'm swimming against Niagara Falls. I don't even know what questions to ask. I mean, I went to the Wiki section, and I didn't have a clue what they...
  16. King Conga

    How To Best Use DMOZ

    Thanks for all the help.
  17. King Conga

    How To Best Use DMOZ

    Thanks. So, did you also say there are much better resources nowadays?
  18. King Conga

    How To Best Use DMOZ

  19. King Conga

    How To Best Use DMOZ

  20. King Conga

    How To Best Use DMOZ

    So, I'm not sure how to ask this, but if it's objective was supposed to help find a niche, then where/how do you suggest I accomplish that objective?