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  1. Bruno Semedo

    Affiliate & ClickBank

    I did just that ;) . I am trying to learn how it really works and all that
  2. Bruno Semedo

    Affiliate & ClickBank

    I am using JVZoo as a clickbank alternative and Payoneer instead of PayPal. Thank u for asking :) But when it comes to Affiliate Marketing, having an email list and grow it isn't a better strategy for creating relationship, to share news and keep the your subscriber posted @Koenfastpages ?
  3. Bruno Semedo

    Webpage vs Landing Page

    Is there two kind of Landing Page, like one that offers free gift With some bullet points in exchange for the email address and other that show lots of contents and in the middle of the content ask for email address?!
  4. Bruno Semedo

    Webpage vs Landing Page

    What is the relationship between Blog and Landing Page?
  5. Bruno Semedo

    Webpage vs Landing Page

    When starting out as an affiliate, what would be better, promoting product/services through a Website or a Landing Page?
  6. Bruno Semedo

    Affiliate Business Model

    Hi, I'd like to know if you could tell if there is any Affiliate Business Model Framework or any that u have tried yourself and you'd like to share. Thank you!
  7. Bruno Semedo

    Niche and Promotion

    Great advice Thank you very much. I'll do just that!
  8. Bruno Semedo

    Affiliate & ClickBank

    thank you very much :)
  9. Bruno Semedo

    Affiliate & ClickBank

    Thank YOU :) I am really passionate about Affiliate Email Marketing, it is just that I've got a lot of limitations in my country such as creating an account on ClickBank, link my bank account with PayPal, etc. But thank you very much, I want this badly but also I want to do it right.
  10. Bruno Semedo

    Affiliate & ClickBank

    Let's say I select a different country or use a VPN, would that be a problem or some terms violation or it doesn't work like that?
  11. Bruno Semedo

    Niche and Promotion

    When starting as an affiliate the best thing one should do is it to pick niches related to each other or try different ones and see which works better? What are your advices?
  12. Bruno Semedo

    Affiliate & ClickBank

    Why Clickbank instantly disabled account just after sign up
  13. Bruno Semedo

    Payment method

    As an affiliate what are the risks when using PayPal as a way to get paid?
  14. Bruno Semedo

    Payment method

    What is the best way to get payed as an affiliate marketer?
  15. Bruno Semedo

    Best Niche For Email Marketing

    Which niche is the most responsive to email marketing and the best for making sales? And Where do I find respective affiliate programs?
  16. Bruno Semedo

    Conversion Rate

    Hi, I wanted to know how Conversion Rate in affiliate marketing works. When choosing a product to promote what should I take in consideration?
  17. Bruno Semedo

    Forum as a Traffic Source

    Hi, I just wanted to know if a Forum can be used to drive Traffic, depending on the niche that the Forum is related to? Or does it depend on Forum's Policy.
  18. Bruno Semedo

    Domain name, Web Hosting & Landing Page

    So the best thing to do is to create a Webpage instead and regularly publish contents? Or promote the product? And I can link the Landing page with my Webpage?
  19. Bruno Semedo

    Domain name, Web Hosting & Landing Page

    So for each product I want to promote I need to create a Landing Page right?
  20. Bruno Semedo

    Domain name, Web Hosting & Landing Page

    Do you have $30 and 2 hours? I do have it