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  1. Alex Maxim

    Where to Find Homeschooling Affiliates?

    Hey there guys, I hope that this message finds you all in excellent spirits, and that you are having a wonderful day. We were just wondering if anyone here had any tips on where to find homeschooling affiliates. We came up with quite a few influencer-type people who are also affiliates via...
  2. Alex Maxim

    Where Can Merchants Locate Dropshippers?

    Hey there StatusCakeAffiliates, Thank you so much for your kind advice, and I hope that this post finds you in excellent spirits. In line with your guidance, Mediolana® is now on the ShareASale affiliate network, offering no less than US$100.00 for every single unit of product sold – a figure...
  3. Alex Maxim

    Where Can Merchants Locate Dropshippers?

    Dear Mr Graybeard, Thank you – as ever – for your wise counsel, and I hope that this post finds you having a great day. We're 100% on-board with the paying per customer acquistion – in fact, even our regular rates (US$100/unit) are akin to customer acquisition rates. Many thanks once again...
  4. Alex Maxim

    Where Can Merchants Locate Dropshippers?

    Dear Mr Tutor, Thank you so much for this fantastic overview! The guide you kindly posted looks really comprehensive and extremely useful. We'll be sure to print it off later and go through it with a fine-toothed comb (as the great Sting once sang). FYI, our resource listing is now live...
  5. Alex Maxim

    Where Can Merchants Locate Dropshippers?

    Dear Mr Tutor, Thank you so much for your kind and comprehensive explanation, which is enormously appreciated! 1. You mention setting up an Amazon Store for the owner's product. Right now they are on Shopify, but with Amazon Pay and PayPal integrated into the checkout. Is there any real...
  6. Alex Maxim

    Where Can Merchants Locate Dropshippers?

    Dear Mr Graybeard, A brilliant question! We're preparing our listing right now. It should be online in the next 48-72 hours. With very best wishes, Alex Maxim
  7. Alex Maxim

    Where Can Merchants Locate Dropshippers?

    Dear Mr Tutor, Many thanks for your kind response – which is greatly appreciated – and I hope that this post finds you having a great day. To answer your questions: Our market is educational performance, specifically the 14-21 age category (high schoolers, college entrance, undergraduates...
  8. Alex Maxim

    Where Can Merchants Locate Dropshippers?

    Dear Mr Graybeard, Firstly, thank you so much for your kind and prompt response – which is enormously appreciated – and I hope that this post finds you keeping well. Given the balance of articles out there, we were beginning to think as much! We quite agree that paid advertising in a...
  9. Alex Maxim

    Where Can Merchants Locate Dropshippers?

    Hey there guys, I hope that this message finds you all in excellent spirits, and that you are having a wonderful day. The company I represent is interested in finding individual dropshippers – particularly those that market to parents and college students – to sell a physical product that it...
  10. Alex Maxim

    Where Can Merchants Find Facebook Groups Affiliate Marketers?

    Hey there guys, I hope that this post finds you all in excellent spirits, and that you are having a great day. I have come across a lot of articles about how affiliates can make money by creating Facebook Groups in various niches (e.g. education, health) and selling products via these groups...
  11. Alex Maxim

    Best First 30 Days Commission Incentives for New Merchant Programme?

    Dear Mr Graybeard, Thank you as ever for your wise counsel. These are great tips! It is really good to know what things look like from the affiliate side of things. I guess my only remaining question is whether affiliates' eyes glaze over when they see the phrase 'double commissions for the...
  12. Alex Maxim

    Best First 30 Days Commission Incentives for New Merchant Programme?

    Hey there guys, I hope that this post finds you all keeping well, and having a wonderful start to the weekend. The company I represent is now deciding on its affiliate programme's first 30 days commission incentives. The aim is to quickly attract quality affiliates who can begin to drive...
  13. Alex Maxim

    Is Peerfly closed or not. wonder they didn't reply to our email!
  14. Alex Maxim

    Affiliates: To Auto-Approve Or Not To Auto-Approve?

    Dear Eric, That's a great tip! What is the best way to do mobile verification at the moment? Would you recommend a service such as TeleSign or Ekata? With very best wishes, Alex Maxim
  15. Alex Maxim

    Affiliates: To Auto-Approve Or Not To Auto-Approve?

    Dear Daria, This is absolutely brilliant guidance – thank you! It is really good to read about the NET 30 and NET 60 payment terms being common. When it comes to fraud, our main concern is the avoidance of fraudulent transactions because with three-figure per unit commissions, I'm guessing...
  16. Alex Maxim

    Affiliates: To Auto-Approve Or Not To Auto-Approve?

    Dear AdSpyglass, Thank you very much indeed for your kind response, and I hope that this post finds you having a great day. Re: 90% of applicants being scrap, does this vary much from sector to sector, and does the problem get worse if you offer especially lucrative commissions? We ask...
  17. Alex Maxim

    Affiliates: To Auto-Approve Or Not To Auto-Approve?

    Dear Daria, Thank you very much indeed for your kind response – which is enormously appreciated – and I hope that this post finds you having a great day. We're probably going to proceed exactly along the lines you suggest, with a general manual approval process coupled with limited...
  18. Alex Maxim

    Affiliates: To Auto-Approve Or Not To Auto-Approve?

    Dear Mr Graybeard, Thank you – as ever – for your wise guidance, and I hope that you are having a fine week. We have taken your advice on-board, and given clear and detailed information about what we will and will not accept in our affiliate programme agreement, which is – if I'm being honest –...
  19. Alex Maxim

    Affiliates: To Auto-Approve Or Not To Auto-Approve?

    Dear Ms azgold, Thank you very much indeed for your kind response – which is as ever enormously appreciated – and I hope that this post finds you having a great day. With any luck, the field this company is operating in (higher education) should itself prove to be something of a spam shield...
  20. Alex Maxim

    Affiliates: To Auto-Approve Or Not To Auto-Approve?

    Dear Ms azgold, Firstly, thank you so much for taking the time to respond so thoughtfully to our questions. This is sincerely appreciated! You raise an excellent point: when you are vetting registrations, are there any obvious red flags that you encounter, and that we should be looking out...