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Road to $500 a Day - CPA Marketing


New Member
Hi everyone!

Short introduction.

I been doing a lot of Shopify in the past but with no real success, just some minor ones. Started doing CPA marketing about a month ago, never really committed fully.

During this time with CPA marketing I have tested several campaigns and offers with around $600 spent in traffic. Found a couple of wining elements within the campaign but couldn't really scale the traffic (perhaps I was doing it wrong?). Increased my budget and my bid several times but was only able to spend around $15 a day.

The reason I started this Road to $500 a Day was to commit fully and really hold myself accountable to stick to CPA marketing for the upcoming years. Also currently I don't have a job and the expenses are starting to hurt, I do have some money to be able to pay my rent and food for the next month and of course most importantly, money to spend on traffic and test. But to be honest I like this situation I'm currently in. It forces me to work harder.

For tracking I'm currently using CPVlabs. Cheap and effective.

Advertising: Using Exoclick with a sole focus of banners. Also I'm going to only focus on mobile traffic since I hear people tell me that it's the cheapest.

My goals and plans. I'm really aiming to hit $500 a day before the 1st of March. This gives me one month to find a profitable campaign and scale properly. The first thing I'm going to do is chose a new GEO T2 or T3 with a lot of volume. Will talk to my AM regarding the best offers (SOI and DOI) and GEOs. When I got the GEO down, and the offers I will stick to them and make them profitable.

Since I know one of my weakness is to just switch things when I don't find results fast enough, this time I'm going to endure and really make it profitable.

A question. In the past I have only direct linked to the offer, while many people suggest having a landing page. But the offer I was promoting was in my opinion a pre lander itself. Personally I would just think that it would complicate for the people going through my funnel. Do you recommend split testing with landing pages anyway?

I will keep everyone updated what I'm doing, what I'm changing in my campaigns and everything in between. But I wont reveal my affiliate network or my GEO. Hopefully you understand why.

If you have any tips, suggestions or anything that I could do better please tell me, I'm open for any feedback.

Best regards Matthew
Mobile traffic isn't necessarily the cheapest.

I see people direct linking LPs (question type LPs), but I like to make my own even if there are the same style like the ones offered by the affiliate network. I'm sure there are good ones so you can try both. Usually your own LPs perform better.

CPVLab is very good.

It's good to be positive but $500/day profit on Exoclick alone is hard to achieve. You have old competitors on the good placements, they will not let you see that these are good placements. They have the funnel in place, you should test everything. You can't compete with them. And this is true for all traffic networks, not only for Exo.

Don't start with RON. I know, you think you'll find good sites to bid, but there are thousands and thousands of shitty sites. Better start with the premium sites. Or run RON for a few hours and see what good sites you can get (even if there are not leads, look at clicks, LP CTR...)

The most important thing is the offer. Test many offers. Even if you have an offer converting at 10-15% you can find another one converting at 20%.

Good luck!
Thanks for some awesome value! Got some aha moments already. Will definitely implement these tips.

But one question, so do you recommend split-testing mobile and desktop at the start even with a limited budget or should I just stick to mobile traffic?

Will update more shortly.
It is better to focus on one thing, at least in the begining, but because you're new and don't know what's working you can ask your AM for offers with volume and good CR. Start with the country and device that has the most offers. Make the camaign. If you have the time you can also pick the second country and/or device combination and make another campaign. Plenty of good offers for a device in a country = a good chance to succeed.

Talked to my affiliate manager and he recommend some GEOs that had really high EPCs on the network. So I have now decided one, but I also accounted what Lorenzo told me earlier that a country with a lot of good offers=success.

I have now been spying the last day on several banners and landing pages. Was really close to buy Whatrunswhere but still unsure if it's worth it. Has anybody tried Whatrunswhere? (Basically a software that sees the ads that has been running the longest and probably the most profitable).

So I ripped 3 landing pages and made some adjustments, but I will also split test with direct linking to see what preforms the best. I have 6 banners and currently 2 offers. I've read that you should run each combination 3x, so I will let it run for a while before making any adjustments.

I just launched the campaign on Exoclick, and as Lorenzo said I will run 2 hours on RON to see if there are any sites worth to try, then I will just go back to premium zones. I have my budget set at $50 a day to collect data faster, let's see if I can actually spend the whole budget this time.

Will come back with some results during the next couple of days.
Hi Matt, I wish you a big success and well-being.

What else is important? Your inner calmness. If you test offers for the last money - it's close to psychosis.
Find a job for half a day or 2-3 days a week to close checks for food, rent, medicine. It will give you inner freedom and luxury to rest when your body gets tired. If you add to your diet a few vitamins and morning exercises or jogging,
this will give you even more strength. I was in a similar situation and began with the reinforcement of the foundation and only then I built the 1st and 2nd floors.

Sincerely I wish you Bro to come to your goals, to be alive, happy and wise champion and winner
Hi everyone!

Short introduction.

I been doing a lot of Shopify in the past but with no real success, just some minor ones. Started doing CPA marketing about a month ago, never really committed fully.

During this time with CPA marketing I have tested several campaigns and offers with around $600 spent in traffic. Found a couple of wining elements within the campaign but couldn't really scale the traffic (perhaps I was doing it wrong?). Increased my budget and my bid several times but was only able to spend around $15 a day.

The reason I started this Road to $500 a Day was to commit fully and really hold myself accountable to stick to CPA marketing for the upcoming years. Also currently I don't have a job and the expenses are starting to hurt, I do have some money to be able to pay my rent and food for the next month and of course most importantly, money to spend on traffic and test. But to be honest I like this situation I'm currently in. It forces me to work harder.

For tracking I'm currently using CPVlabs. Cheap and effective.

Advertising: Using Exoclick with a sole focus of banners. Also I'm going to only focus on mobile traffic since I hear people tell me that it's the cheapest.

My goals and plans. I'm really aiming to hit $500 a day before the 1st of March. This gives me one month to find a profitable campaign and scale properly. The first thing I'm going to do is chose a new GEO T2 or T3 with a lot of volume. Will talk to my AM regarding the best offers (SOI and DOI) and GEOs. When I got the GEO down, and the offers I will stick to them and make them profitable.

Since I know one of my weakness is to just switch things when I don't find results fast enough, this time I'm going to endure and really make it profitable.

A question. In the past I have only direct linked to the offer, while many people suggest having a landing page. But the offer I was promoting was in my opinion a pre lander itself. Personally I would just think that it would complicate for the people going through my funnel. Do you recommend split testing with landing pages anyway?

I will keep everyone updated what I'm doing, what I'm changing in my campaigns and everything in between. But I wont reveal my affiliate network or my GEO. Hopefully you understand why.

If you have any tips, suggestions or anything that I could do better please tell me, I'm open for any feedback.

Best regards Matthew
Congrats dude, i believe the most important thing is to start, good luck with this, and hope you could make it really good! Keep us updated.
Hey @Matte
Starting a business is no simple task in the 21th century, online business require less capital and you shouldn't be demotivate in just a few try.

For your information about WhatRunsWhere, check out their official vendor page on AffiliateFix.
Official - WhatRunsWhere

I'm not sure but the banner over offers 2 months FREE!? For sure? Check them out.
Hi everyone!

Short introduction.

I been doing a lot of Shopify in the past but with no real success, just some minor ones. Started doing CPA marketing about a month ago, never really committed fully.

During this time with CPA marketing I have tested several campaigns and offers with around $600 spent in traffic. Found a couple of wining elements within the campaign but couldn't really scale the traffic (perhaps I was doing it wrong?). Increased my budget and my bid several times but was only able to spend around $15 a day.

The reason I started this Road to $500 a Day was to commit fully and really hold myself accountable to stick to CPA marketing for the upcoming years. Also currently I don't have a job and the expenses are starting to hurt, I do have some money to be able to pay my rent and food for the next month and of course most importantly, money to spend on traffic and test. But to be honest I like this situation I'm currently in. It forces me to work harder.

For tracking I'm currently using CPVlabs. Cheap and effective.

Advertising: Using Exoclick with a sole focus of banners. Also I'm going to only focus on mobile traffic since I hear people tell me that it's the cheapest.

My goals and plans. I'm really aiming to hit $500 a day before the 1st of March. This gives me one month to find a profitable campaign and scale properly. The first thing I'm going to do is chose a new GEO T2 or T3 with a lot of volume. Will talk to my AM regarding the best offers (SOI and DOI) and GEOs. When I got the GEO down, and the offers I will stick to them and make them profitable.

Since I know one of my weakness is to just switch things when I don't find results fast enough, this time I'm going to endure and really make it profitable.

A question. In the past I have only direct linked to the offer, while many people suggest having a landing page. But the offer I was promoting was in my opinion a pre lander itself. Personally I would just think that it would complicate for the people going through my funnel. Do you recommend split testing with landing pages anyway?

I will keep everyone updated what I'm doing, what I'm changing in my campaigns and everything in between. But I wont reveal my affiliate network or my GEO. Hopefully you understand why.

If you have any tips, suggestions or anything that I could do better please tell me, I'm open for any feedback.

Best regards Matthew
Hey dude, i think you are covering almost everything right here, i think you have some good tools there to help you handle it, but i think you should try to be close to your affiliate manager, to let him help you out to choose the right offers, and make it. I wish you to have very good results with this campaign using their services. keep us updated with the upcoming results.
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Hi everyone! Wanted to give an update since it's been a while also thanks to everyone for the awesome tips and advice I'm getting.

I've had a goal that I'm going to hit $500 a day before the 1st of March. Unfortunately I've failed with the goal. But now, this is what I'm been doing/done.

I knew that I've always been trigger happy on pausing things prematurely so I decided that every variabel in the campaign should reach at least 3x payout before even thinking about pausing it. There is one exception tho, and that is anomaly. Example: I've got an average of 30% LP ctr and another LP is doing 2% CTR I'm going to pause it even tho it hasn't reached a 3x payout.

So as you know of my last post I launched my campaign really hopeful. Then after around $310 spent and 172 conversions the campaign was at -92% ROI. Without any profitable element that wasn't just luck. I don't know exactly why the campaign failed. But I have my ideas that it was my traffic source. Most of the campaigns Iäve been spying on (if not all) were on Trafficjunky. Also perhaps the ones that were promoting the offer have been promoting it for some time and gotten a payout bump compared to me.

What is next?

So I decided after looking on my stats and everything, that I should move on to another different offers or GEO. Another thing I decided to do was to buy Adplexity instead of Whatrunswhere since Adplexity covers more GEOs that Whatrunswhere. I'm starting to get a really low budget as many of you know I didn't have a big budget to begin with and I know that you need a really need money to test in this industri. I've buying food for around $25 a week. But I've also taken advice from Basilvg that I should take a job to keep this going. So that is what I've done, I have applied for some jobs to work on meanwhile I'm learning CPA at home. Will update everyone when I'm launching a new campaign and the type of spying and everything that goes on in my head before I launch.

The dream of $500 a day is still alive but I've failed to reach it before the 1st of March, but now I'm not going to set it as a deadline. Just work as hard as I can and try to reach $500 a day.

Best regards Matthew -Keep working towards your goals.
Hi everyone! Wanted to give an update since it's been a while also thanks to everyone for the awesome tips and advice I'm getting.

I've had a goal that I'm going to hit $500 a day before the 1st of March. Unfortunately I've failed with the goal. But now, this is what I'm been doing/done.

I knew that I've always been trigger happy on pausing things prematurely so I decided that every variabel in the campaign should reach at least 3x payout before even thinking about pausing it. There is one exception tho, and that is anomaly. Example: I've got an average of 30% LP ctr and another LP is doing 2% CTR I'm going to pause it even tho it hasn't reached a 3x payout.

So as you know of my last post I launched my campaign really hopeful. Then after around $310 spent and 172 conversions the campaign was at -92% ROI. Without any profitable element that wasn't just luck. I don't know exactly why the campaign failed. But I have my ideas that it was my traffic source. Most of the campaigns Iäve been spying on (if not all) were on Trafficjunky. Also perhaps the ones that were promoting the offer have been promoting it for some time and gotten a payout bump compared to me.

What is next?

So I decided after looking on my stats and everything, that I should move on to another different offers or GEO. Another thing I decided to do was to buy Adplexity instead of Whatrunswhere since Adplexity covers more GEOs that Whatrunswhere. I'm starting to get a really low budget as many of you know I didn't have a big budget to begin with and I know that you need a really need money to test in this industri. I've buying food for around $25 a week. But I've also taken advice from Basilvg that I should take a job to keep this going. So that is what I've done, I have applied for some jobs to work on meanwhile I'm learning CPA at home. Will update everyone when I'm launching a new campaign and the type of spying and everything that goes on in my head before I launch.

The dream of $500 a day is still alive but I've failed to reach it before the 1st of March, but now I'm not going to set it as a deadline. Just work as hard as I can and try to reach $500 a day.

Best regards Matthew -Keep working towards your goals.

Don't worry Matthew, every failure is a lesson for the future ;) I've read you, and you talked about higher rates depending the GEO with your advertiser. Thing is, it is only a part of the entire solution. CPA means conversions/sales, which means that rates are not the main thing to follow. Because a GEO might convert more than an other, and even if the rate is lower in that GEO, in the end of the day you are making more. You gotta get the whole picture to find the right answers ;) but keep working, 500$ a day is hard to get (and I would recommend you firstly to fix you a target a bit lower, and go step by step :) )
Hi everyone! Wanted to give an update since it's been a while also thanks to everyone for the awesome tips and advice I'm getting.

I've had a goal that I'm going to hit $500 a day before the 1st of March. Unfortunately I've failed with the goal. But now, this is what I'm been doing/done.

I knew that I've always been trigger happy on pausing things prematurely so I decided that every variabel in the campaign should reach at least 3x payout before even thinking about pausing it. There is one exception tho, and that is anomaly. Example: I've got an average of 30% LP ctr and another LP is doing 2% CTR I'm going to pause it even tho it hasn't reached a 3x payout.

Good Job Man! do not put your hands together

And one day you get more

some motivation to you
