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Journey to $25K rev per month in 6 months..

From the organizer's end of the competition, no. There is no maximum budge/spending. Everyone in the challenge has their own goals in different ventures, different monthly revenues or sales they are trying to achieve, etc. Mine just happened to be in AM.

Are you doing the Secret Entourage challenge? I joined them, but you have to be of legal age to participate.
I have read your story word by word, I have to say you are strong when you faced so many difficulties. I wish you could reach your goal like you already set, or even earlier!
I have read your story word by word, I have to say you are strong when you faced so many difficulties. I wish you could reach your goal like you already set, or even earlier!

Thank you man, means a lot. I appreciate those kind words. It definitely hasn't been easy, but I'm just getting started ;)
@LimitlessJG I know it hasn't been that long since you started your journey...and I'm sure you're busy...just wondered how you're doing with the challenge.
I'm somewhat in the same boat as you; I'm newbie (since Jan 2016) to AM, particularly focusing on CPA, started and completed a mini free traffic campaign on a specific niche but figured its taking too much time. I'm very hungry for potential income and looking to network! Quick question: did you established a business under your name? I came across many forums where newbies are creating business to write off the cost of a start up.. anyways my skype is dxl1kei and email is if you wanna chat!
I'm somewhat in the same boat as you; I'm newbie (since Jan 2016) to AM, particularly focusing on CPA, started and completed a mini free traffic campaign on a specific niche but figured its taking too much time. I'm very hungry for potential income and looking to network! Quick question: did you established a business under your name? I came across many forums where newbies are creating business to write off the cost of a start up.. anyways my skype is dxl1kei and email is if you wanna chat!

Hey man! Awesome to see another new guy here progressing forward! I haven't actually yet incorporated. Reason being is I want to assure I'm making profits first as a single person before converting everything into a business entity. It will definitely help with write-offs, but I want to keep cost at a minimal before LLC'ing and making it an actual business. Not that it's a bad thing to do it up front, but I did in this past before in another venture before I ever made my first dollar. I'll be sure to add you to Skype also. Good luck in your journey!
Any new screen from progres ?

I haven't taken any new screenshots because the offer I had spent all my time building up got paused after running it the first day. It was only 12 hours and $25 worth of data. I learned A TON getting my first campaign up and running. Currently Spying around right now and looking for my next offer. I'll be sure to get new screenshots as soon as possible for feedback! Thank you for reminding me, haha. it's been quite a while since I've updated this thread.

I'm sure people thought "Ah look another one, failed and forgotten"...NOPE...wrong assumption.

Unfortunate series of life events have occurred since my last post, which include another death of someone real close to me (my grandmother).

It's been a rough 9 months but I still haven't given up yet, and I still have a solid 10 weeks left to do damage in my challenge for Secret Entourage. I saw Oliver interviewed PJ on the forum which was pretty awesome. I was shocked to see that interview. PJ doesn't do many interviews, so kudos to Oliver for locking that in.

Also, over the last 2 months I've made a shit ton of solid connections in this industry and have attended a bunch of meet ups and met a lot of big names. Networking in this industry is so important, I can't stress that enough. Little by little I feel like all the pieces of the puzzle are starting to come together for me. I can't believe how much I've learned over the last 6 months too.

I have since switched my verticals and traffic sources since starting this thread and I have to say, I'm liking things way better. I've now been focusing 100% on native, and I like it a lot better. It's way more work to get up and going, but the payouts are a lot more attractive, especially if you can scale.

I ran a camp for 2 days with pretty piss poor results and spent about $150 in data, but it's all good, some of the stuff was a little ass backwards on my end. I'm going to be running on a different network just to split test between the two and see which one yields me better results.

Here are some screenshots from the first run:

Once new camp is up, I'll post stats. ;)
death of someone real close to me (my grandmother)

I'm so sorry to hear it. Grandmas are special people and it hurts like hell when they go.

PJ doesn't do many interviews, so kudos to Oliver for locking that in.

That's our K! :)

Also, over the last 2 months I've made a shit ton of solid connections in this industry and have attended a bunch of meet ups and met a lot of big names. Networking in this industry is so important, I can't stress that enough. Little by little I feel like all the pieces of the puzzle are starting to come together for me. I can't believe how much I've learned over the last 6 months too.

I can't help but smile at how awesome this is! You've been busy, productive and moving forward. I imagine there must be some excitement involved. :)

I've now been focusing 100% on native

Native advertising is going to be huge, I think you're wise to get in early.

Keep testing and optimizing, you'll get there.
I'm so sorry to hear it. Grandmas are special people and it hurts like hell when they go.

That's our K! :)

I can't help but smile at how awesome this is! You've been busy, productive and moving forward. I imagine there must be some excitement involved. :)

Native advertising is going to be huge, I think you're wise to get in early.

Keep testing and optimizing, you'll get there.

azgold, thank you so much for the thoughtful kind words and your condolences as well, it is greatly appreciated. It's definitely exciting to connect with such big names in our industry and learn and build relationships with them amongst many other under the radar super affiliates.

Couldn't agree with you more on Native Advertising either. It's going to be super huge, especially once Facebook integrates all the native sites into their UI, than it's really going to be explode. I see the potential amongst others and dropped everything to focus on this 100% and ride the wave before it get's really saturated like the other verticals.

I'll be posting more stats and progress along the way!
Very interesting and inspiring thread (and story).
You have a great will power and look so dedicated to win at this game, congrats.

I'll follow closely your journey, good luck my friend. ;)
Very interesting and inspiring thread (and story).
You have a great will power and look so dedicated to win at this game, congrats.

I'll follow closely your journey, good luck my friend. ;)

Thank you my friend for all the kind words, I greatly appreciate it! I've come too far now to turn around..
Wow so it's been forever since I've updated this and I will fill whoever in that followed my journey for a final update on the Secret Entourage challenge..

So ultimately I did end up hitting my goal of 25K rev per month, but unfortunately I was not selected as 1 of the 4 finalists for the end of the challenge.

I could not have completed this at all with the help of my great friend/mentor/partner and I honestly owe it all to him (not sure if he wants his name mentioned or not but I'm going to protect his identity anyway).

I've learned so much in the last 6 months since this challenge started, both about myself and about this industry, more so then I ever could have imagined I knew from first diving in about a year ago. I legit got a 6 year MBA on Affiliate Marketing in less than 6 months. I'm still learning everyday more & more and we are grinding daily everyday, 7 days a week. It doesn't stop. Ever. But I have no complaints at all, I love every second of it.

For those of you doubting yourself...stop it right now. If you truly want this, and not just kind of want it, I mean REALLY want it. You can do it 100%. I'm just a normal dude like everyone else who believed in himself and did not give up. I went to every AM meetup I could around the surrounding areas, met with some of the biggest names in this industry, built friendships with a lot of great super affiliates, networked with as many people as I could, read, read, & read more. Failed, failed, failed, & failed more. It's all part of the process. Trust me. This shit takes a lot of time. It's not easy. It's far from easy. You have to have patience. I've just now seen a paycheck 2 weeks ago for the first time in almost a year, and I have a shit ton of expenses and live in the most expensive state in the US.

But I didn't give up, I dedicated myself to this 100% until I was able to see some success. In this industry it's impossible to make it on your own. You need a partner(s), JV's, teams, people you can trust, you have to provide value, build credibility, know how to read numbers, know your data, test, tweak, optimize, etc. It's not easy. Nothing worth having in this life comes easy, and all the cliche shit you hear about success is 100% true. I'm very fortunate and truly blessed to able to start seeing the results I am now starting to see and again I owe it all to my partner. I showed him I was capable of learning and understanding what I didn't know and that he could count on me to get stuff done and he took my under his wing and like they say "the rest is history". You have to provide value and prove yourself.

So am I bummed out I wasn't selected. Yeah a little bit. But you know what, we are WELL past 25K rev per month now and that makes it all worth it. We are constantly scaling, optimizing, testing, tweaking, etc. It never stops. Ever. Like I said, you are the one in control of your own life. The decisions you make today, affect your tomorrow. I have no complaints at all in my life right now other then where I live, but I'll be moving in the fall, so it's all good. I have a great GF, an epic puppy(lol), a roof over my head, clothes on my back, I can see, feel, hear, I have all my fingers and toes, I can walk, I'm healthy, I have a reliable car, some money in the bank, clean water to drink, food to eat, I have my family, an amazing partner/friend/mentor and we have an awesome AM business together. Too many people take things for granted. I don't anymore. I'm grateful everyday that I wake up and open my eyes and that I'm able to do what I love.

It has been far from an easy last 12 months for me, not only in business, but in life the most. But if I can do this, anyone can.

I'll leave you all with 3 words I live my life by every single day. YOU'RE. GONNA. DIE.

So stop doubting yourself, take risks, focus, sacrifice, give up the dumb shit, and go for your dreams!

- JG
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Sorry about ur Grand Mo
Focus On Buisness
i thing ur ctr on banners is sucks
and the stats on voluum also Not Good CTR 0.6% Is Not Good at all
any Just so u know this Time
Post screen Shot From Voluum Se we will be able to read data
and tell about offer Just what vertivcal and Payout So We know what type of offers u Promote and the Payout as well
Sorry about ur Grand Mo
Focus On Buisness
i thing ur ctr on banners is sucks
and the stats on voluum also Not Good CTR 0.6% Is Not Good at all
any Just so u know this Time
Post screen Shot From Voluum Se we will be able to read data
and tell about offer Just what vertivcal and Payout So We know what type of offers u Promote and the Payout as well

Hey, I appreciate the feedback but I guess you didn't bother to pay attention in reading my thread. Especially my last post.

1) I'm very well focused on our business.
2) We don't run banners. We run native ads.
3) Voluum doesn't track all the data for most native networks and if you run native you would know that. Which is why we really don't use Voluum anymore.
4) Those screenshots are from early May and if you had looked at the dates you would have seen that. Our CTR is well above .06%, but I appreciate the concern.
5) We focus on nutra offers. Payout I won't disclose.

This was a quick blog write-up to recap my journey and wasn't worried about posting screenshots at the time. I didn't think that was as important as the words of encouragement I was trying to give the others of the forum.

Thanks! :)

- JG
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