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How much Experience do I need to get a job as a copywriter?


New Member
So, about a year ago, I decided that I wanted to be a copywriter. I wanted to start out working for an establishment as a junior copywriter, but quickly found out that even the smallest of establishments were looking for something VERY important which, I'll admit, I didn't have at the time: copywriting experience!
I decided to get some copywriting experience on fiverr as a freelancer. The pay was- and still is- CRAP, but the experience was GREAT as I got to work for lots of clients on a variety of projects and I quickly built up a 5 star profile on the site. I created an online portfolio on contently and I decided to try applying again- they still said I needed experience! With over 30 copywriting projects under my belt- including Ashley Madison and Bubandu- I kind of felt I would be good to go in terms of experience.
So my question is... how many copywriting projects do you need to work on before most organizations think that you're worth being employed as their copywriter? You can take a look at my online portfolio here if you want to:

I really appreciate your feedback

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Have you let your social media followers know that you're looking for a position as copywriter? And are you connected to companies/agencies you hope to work for?

When approaching/applying, do you provide any proof that your copy has actually resulted in positive results, i.e. wrote a sales letter for XYZ, which increased sales of their thing-a-majig by 40%?

Do you have the ability to use NLP, emotional or psychologically based writing? If so, mention it. Ditto content keywording and SEO.

I would also start publishing on a variety of sites, not just one or two. Get out there and get known.

I'm curious, are you looking at only doing content and sales letters? Are you also wanting to be involved in corporate ads, brochures, video scripts, etc.?

There are other places to get clients and rep besides fiverr! Try digital/affiliate marketing forums, they're good places to start. Those guys will love your portfolio. The pay is likely to only be slightly more until you gain a reputation with the members.

Also, check the classifieds of large cities. I used to get Toronto clients from kijiji. When a company or marketer doesn't know where to hire from, they will start there, oftentimes and the work is usually simple content. There are plenty of sites offering job/freelance listings for writers. Don't forget about offline publication writing, either. Show you can work with a variety of mediums, if possible. If you've ever worked as part of a writing team, that would be good to point out, as well.

If you check other classifieds, there is/was a big call for technical writers. That pays well, if you can do tech manuals. Not exactly the same but it'll keep you eating.

Of course, the no-pay option would be to try for a position of intern.

Have you researched any of this?

You can do this, @adamjohnson , you want it badly enough by the sounds of it. Don't give up and try not to get discouraged. :)

Edit - just thought of something else. Maybe get client testimonials and put them together with a bio on a simple website.
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Besides the portfolio often there is a test that you have to pass. Experience you can get when you will start working (writing). With the work the experience will come too.
Have you let your social media followers know that you're looking for a position as copywriter? And are you connected to companies/agencies you hope to work for?

When approaching/applying, do you provide any proof that your copy has actually resulted in positive results, i.e. wrote a sales letter for XYZ, which increased sales of their thing-a-majig by 40%?

Do you have the ability to use NLP, emotional or psychologically based writing? If so, mention it. Ditto content keywording and SEO.

I would also start publishing on a variety of sites, not just one or two. Get out there and get known.

I'm curious, are you looking at only doing content and sales letters? Are you also wanting to be involved in corporate ads, brochures, video scripts, etc.?

There are other places to get clients and rep besides fiverr! Try digital/affiliate marketing forums, they're good places to start. Those guys will love your portfolio. The pay is likely to only be slightly more until you gain a reputation with the members.

Also, check the classifieds of large cities. I used to get Toronto clients from kijiji. When a company or marketer doesn't know where to hire from, they will start there, oftentimes and the work is usually simple content. There are plenty of sites offering job/freelance listings for writers. Don't forget about offline publication writing, either. Show you can work with a variety of mediums, if possible. If you've ever worked as part of a writing team, that would be good to point out, as well.

If you check other classifieds, there is/was a big call for technical writers. That pays well, if you can do tech manuals. Not exactly the same but it'll keep you eating.

Of course, the no-pay option would be to try for a position of intern.

Have you researched any of this?

You can do this, @adamjohnson , you want it badly enough by the sounds of it. Don't give up and try not to get discouraged. :)

Edit - just thought of something else. Maybe get client testimonials and put them together with a bio on a simple website.

Dang, came here to answer but this is too thorough for me to beat :) only thing I would add is spec work in the area you're most interested in. Into short form? Put together a portfolio of slogans for your favorite companies (stick to what you enjoy - it'll not only come easier, it'll come out better). Direct response? Find a product you think could be sold better and try to sell it as practice.

You portfolio should have a diverse range within the area you're hoping to work. It's better to have live examples (make PDFs though - some of your links are already dead/moved) than spec, but better to have spec than nothing.
So, about a year ago, I decided that I wanted to be a copywriter. I wanted to start out working for an establishment as a junior copywriter, but quickly found out that even the smallest of establishments were looking for something VERY important which, I'll admit, I didn't have at the time: copywriting experience!
I decided to get some copywriting experience on fiverr as a freelancer. The pay was- and still is- CRAP, but the experience was GREAT as I got to work for lots of clients on a variety of projects and I quickly built up a 5 star profile on the site. I created an online portfolio on contently and I decided to try applying again- they still said I needed experience! With over 30 copywriting projects under my belt- including Ashley Madison and Bubandu- I kind of felt I would be good to go in terms of experience.
So my question is... how many copywriting projects do you need to work on before most organizations think that you're worth being employed as their copywriter? You can take a look at my online portfolio here if you want to:

I really appreciate your feedback

xe toyota altis 2016, hyundai county, xe toyota camry 2016

In my opinion, I think it would only depend on the kind of job or project you wish to apply for. Of course, the more experience you have the better the chance of getting hired. And apart from that, you get a higher pay as well. But the thing is, not all employers are looking for experience. I for myself have been hired as a copy writer even if I only started doing it 2 months prior. And I got hired and was able to do finish the project without having any issues with my employer whatsoever... But eventually, I decided to move on an seek out better earning opportunities through affiliate marketing...:)
So, about a year ago, I decided that I wanted to be a copywriter. I wanted to start out working for an establishment as a junior copywriter, but quickly found out that even the smallest of establishments were looking for something VERY important which, I'll admit, I didn't have at the time: copywriting experience!
I decided to get some copywriting experience on fiverr as a freelancer. The pay was- and still is- CRAP, but the experience was GREAT as I got to work for lots of clients on a variety of projects and I quickly built up a 5 star profile on the site. I created an online portfolio on contently and I decided to try applying again- they still said I needed experience! With over 30 copywriting projects under my belt- including Ashley Madison and Bubandu- I kind of felt I would be good to go in terms of experience.
So my question is... how many copywriting projects do you need to work on before most organizations think that you're worth being employed as their copywriter? You can take a look at my online portfolio here if you want to:

I really appreciate your feedback
You know I think it all depends on your lucky! You just start any deed, and go on to work and to work, and find some projects (or they find you), and go on to work. And then you begin to understand that you become better and better because you want to be. That`s my secret!
I think it would be really easy to get a job as a copywriter if you had a blog. A website just makes it easier to sell your services.
I think it would be really easy to get a job as a copywriter if you had a blog.

I'm not sure it would be easy, depends on the level you want to work at. If you're willing to write for cheap, or have a reputation as a high quality writer, maybe. If you're looking to work with an agency, or charge top prices, you should have more than a blog under your belt.

Some people lump copywriter in with content writer. They are not truly the same, I don't think. I think of copywriting as being more sales page oriented and content writing as....content - articles, posts, web content and the like. I'm not saying that's gospel but that's my perspective on it.
If you think you are now read for copywriter job, I think you should try for a job and write a sales letter and sell people on hiring you to write their copy then they decide you are ready or not for this copywriter job.
It's not about the number of articles, it's about their quality. Also you need to decide which type of content you are interesting in? If you are an expert in bitcoins, there is no reason to work in weddings agency.
So, about a year ago, I decided that I wanted to be a copywriter. I wanted to start out working for an establishment as a junior copywriter, but quickly found out that even the smallest of establishments were looking for something VERY important which, I'll admit, I didn't have at the time: copywriting experience!
I decided to get some copywriting experience on fiverr as a freelancer. The pay was- and still is- CRAP, but the experience was GREAT as I got to work for lots of clients on a variety of projects and I quickly built up a 5 star profile on the site. I created an online portfolio on contently and I decided to try applying again- they still said I needed experience! With over 30 copywriting projects under my belt- including Ashley Madison and Bubandu- I kind of felt I would be good to go in terms of experience.
So my question is... how many copywriting projects do you need to work on before most organizations think that you're worth being employed as their copywriter? You can take a look at my online portfolio here if you want to:

I really appreciate your feedback

xe toyota altis 2016, hyundai county, xe toyota camry 2016

Same here Adam. ;)

I'd recommend watching all of Dan Lok's copywriting YouTubes. He's a genius. 2. Create a sales letter about yourself, only 2 short paragraphs, not your life's story. 3. Find a niche you want to specialize in and DO NOT try to be a jack of all trades and master of none. For the same reasons that in Aff. Mrktg EVERYONE says you HAVE to find a sub-niche that really drives you and something that you're an authority on better than 80% of the population because when they see your passion and authority then buying from you will only be an afterthought because they trust you. 4. I admit, I haven't tried this, but DL highly recommends it. Approach your prospect so they understand that you're not there to be an expense, but a revenue generator. Tell them you want to look at their letters and landing pages, etc. so you can make them better. If you don't like what I write don't pay me. If you like it, then pay me $X.xx. But you really want to speak with your 5 best customers to see WHY they are just that? THAT is how you'll get out in front of your competitors.

Median is 6th grade.
The above is poorly formatted and hard to read.
Sorry, just being truthful ...
Median is 6th grade.

That is so sad. It used to be 10th grade, which I didn't think particularly good. But 6th! What the heck is happening with kids' education these days? Guess that would be the previous generation (at least), assuming those marks include adult readers.

Hope that's what you meant.
Ohhhh, gotcha. Yoast used to have a readability tool built into their plugin that did that. Maybe they still do, I don't know.

As you can see by my :( the reading grade level is too high.

One of the perils of intelligence. :D

The moral of the story is: Your audience and what you are selling will influence your copy.

Definitely. I've read some blogs (and Stephen King books :D) that use jargon, big words or content that only their audience would understand, readability score be damned. If I remember correctly, those tools don't like those sorts of things.
No, the median of the grade level of that test (according to the tool used)
I think 8th to 9th grade level would be 100% readability also.

I have been using this tool to check my posting text and find that I am all over the place 7th grade to 17th grade (in a few more technical matters). My take is that I am communicating on all levels and hopefully the correct level for the audience.
^^ this text

Average 7.3
Median 6.25

As you can see by my :( the reading grade level is too high.

The moral of the story is: Your audience and what you are selling will influence your copy.

tool i used > Readable
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Well, of course it will be better if you already have some articles published. You can create your own blog and use it as a metric of your skills.
You need a lot of experience because what you give the client will matter a lot. IF you do not deliver high quality content then you will not get a lot of gis r probably get a low review that will drive away future clients. You need to be at the top of the game.
  1. Posting on Fiverr for copywriting gigs. You'll definitely get some leads this way, but your clients will usually be bargain-hunters and not HUGE jobs
  2. Posting on Craigslist as a copywriter for hire
  3. Posting on UpWork as a copywriter for hire.
There are clients that will require you to provide some previous work or they will test you. If they test you then you don't need to have a lot of experience. What matters at that time is whether or not you can pass the test.