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Dollar Linking Script Directory

Yup, just putting my site together.

Ok, a couple of questions if I may. Upon payment at paypal the link is not activated. Have you any info on how to automate the link activation to the paypal payment?

Also, I think its a minor bug but if you go to an empty letter like here A Pound a Link - List

Why is there a button at all? Because it has a live link on change bid which then gives a database error.

Also the 1 year activation of the link is not entered, you have to do it manually in the admin, is this just a paypal change that needs to be made?

Otherwise, really well done on this! Fabulous.

Hi Steve,

- Paypal payment IPN
Actually this future is not added but we will have on the new version ready in two weeks.

To enable this future is easy. First of all you need to create a simple PayPal IPN script what will receive the PayPal payment notification and update the database record on the case of the transaction.

You will need to post back the link id number and if the Paypal response is OK, to update the record number.

When this file is ready, upload to your script folder than login to the PayPal and update your IPN URL settings.

- Empty letter bug
Yes, this is a minor bug; we will have this corrected on the new version ready in two weeks.

- 1 year activation
Actually the disable function after one year period is not ready; the new version also will contain this ready. We will put a simple function what automatically stop the expired link.

Also the automatic ACTIVATION option will work immediate when the PayPal IPN will be added.
Thanks Temi,

That explains why I cant find these things! I will look forward to the update.

The contact form has got me stumped. I complete it and I receive no email, where is the correct place to set the email return for the contact form please?

Hi misi,

Thanks but that didnt work, here is the area of code you are referring to, can you see what is wrong?
$kinek = "$";
$targy = "$contactmailsubject";
$uzenet = "Name: $name
Email: $email
Country: $country
$fejlec = "From: $name <$email>\r\n";
//mail($kinek, $targy, $uzenet, $fejlec);
include('contact_def.php'); } }?>
Ok, put the site live yesterday.

Crackin' domain I reckon' - Get more for your SEO Dollar! was unregistered.

Put on a high heat, added some backlinks. As always I dont actually submit new sites/domains to the SE's, I like them to find them through links. Well this is some kind of record for me because google has found the links, crawled the new site and indexed it within 24hours. Not only that its the number 1 result for seo dollar

Its got PR6 sitewide back links, as well as PR5 and PR4. So theres nothing in the toolbar pr but it will have real time good PR. So get your 1 dollar listings now whilst you can. Theres no competing outbounds and theres no advertising or partner links. You will get the full hit of the PR in the site which is coming from sitewides like the one here URLZ Web Directory under partner links.

Hope you like, Ive done a few mods.

I am adding a directory to my Umbrella-Consultancy and also Old Wlesh Guy websites. I am going to make them paid only though as both have decent inbound links, and both rank for SEO related phrases. I was thinking about a tag script or the like. maybe I will look at this one.
Thud, not ignoring you. I asked Misi to respond yesterday, he must have forgotten, he should respond in the next hour
Hi Steve,

Your contact page send mail problem is the below:

$kinek = $; <--- BAD

... please leave/clear the $ (USA Dollar sign), because this mean on PHP a variable ... for what you need to assign a value.

The correct is the below:

$kinek =;

... so just remove the "$" sign from the front of the mail address.

Hi Misi,

Thank you!

But it still doesnt work, this is the section of code from contact.php
else {
$kinek = "";
$targy = "$contactmailsubject";
$uzenet = "Name: $name
Email: $email
Country: $country
$fejlec = "From: $name <$email>\r\n";
//mail($kinek, $targy, $uzenet, $fejlec);
include('contact_def.php'); } }?>
Looks like Misi does not subscribe to this thread so he does not know you still need help, I will tell him to come and look into it.
Hi Misi,

Thank you!

But it still doesnt work, this is the section of code from contact.php
else {
$kinek = "";
$targy = "$contactmailsubject";
$uzenet = "Name: $name
Email: $email
Country: $country
$fejlec = "From: $name <$email>\r\n";
//mail($kinek, $targy, $uzenet, $fejlec);
include('contact_def.php'); } }?>

Please uncomment the line
//mail($kinek, $targy, $uzenet, $fejlec);

... so remove the // from the front of the mail function.
Hello Misi,

Only just realised youve responded, thanks for this, thats fixed it. So I think that needs to be changed in the script because I never commented it out.

Cheers and thanks for the help
Hi Steve,

- Paypal payment IPN
Actually this future is not added but we will have on the new version ready in two weeks.

To enable this future is easy. First of all you need to create a simple PayPal IPN script what will receive the PayPal payment notification and update the database record on the case of the transaction.

You will need to post back the link id number and if the Paypal response is OK, to update the record number.

When this file is ready, upload to your script folder than login to the PayPal and update your IPN URL settings.

- Empty letter bug
Yes, this is a minor bug; we will have this corrected on the new version ready in two weeks.

- 1 year activation
Actually the disable function after one year period is not ready; the new version also will contain this ready. We will put a simple function what automatically stop the expired link.

Also the automatic ACTIVATION option will work immediate when the PayPal IPN will be added.

Hi, its been a couple of weeks so wondered where this is up to?
