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Adwords PPC Tutorial - Great 4 Newbies & FREE

Linda Buquet

New Member
Here is a VERY basic but VERY informative and FREE guide to
PPC for Newbie Affiliates.

Before you spend money on some crappy ebook :rolleyes: read this!

Adwords PPC For Beginners

Some affiliates are increasingly turning to paid search to provide the traffic they require to generate revenue. This guide should give you the basics you need to make some informed decisions about how you might be able to carve out a niche for yourself in this often highly competitive area."

UK Affiliate Marketing Blog ? Adwords PPC For Beginners

I've seen some other GREAT free info about PPC, I'll find and add here.
If you guys find any good blogs or guides, please add to this thread.
(Please don't link out to your site - in-depth PPC resouces only.)
Very helpful, thank you. I've only been using AdWords (after years of just simply being terrified to dive in!) for a few months now and am learning more every day. It's actually quite fascinating and one needn't fear the budget issue as I did for so long. I was so terrified I'd find myself in over my head in costs with little ROI, but Google helps you every step of the way to stay within any budget you desire. There's a lot to learn, yes, but I think there can be a lot to gain if you're willing to be patient, learn the ropes and work with their system!
PPC is always a work in progress, fine-tuning, trial and sjustment. It might takes time but one you're setup and your ads drive you the results you are expecting, it's there forever!

Good luck.
PPC Location-Specific Searches

I am a newbie here, so trust the following query does not rate off the Newbie-Dumbest-Question-of-All-Time Scale.

I reside most the time on the east coast of Australia, with periodic trips to North America. I am trying to establish myself in PPC, with a part of my work being targetted at the North American markets.

My problem/challenge is trying to get searches from elsewhere which accurately reflect what a North American search on Google would experience.

At present I am doing some work from Canada, and inspite specifying a search, the resulting search drips with .CA sponsored links.

Anyone found a soluation to this?

Daryl :rolleyes:
Hi Daryl,

Welcome to 5 Star and that's a GREAT question. Def not a "Newbie-Dumbest-Question-of-All-Time Scale." and there really are no dumb questions anyway.

I think I have seen some blogs or forum posts somewhere that talked about some solutions but since that issue doesnt affect me I didn't really pay attention.

Now here's a tool that may help alot in your situation, but AFTER you have picked some KW and just want to get an idea of US KW volume or compare popularity of a few different phrases.

Google Trends - Just just compared affiliate programs, affiliate marketing for a quick an easy example.
Then click below to only see US volume or any other country.
Google Trends: affiliate programs, affiliate marketing

Not sure that's exactly what you need but it may help.

Greatly appreciate that feedback. I'll post back on what I find.



Persistent prevails!! :D

After about 5 months looking for a solution, I found a good one on the redfly marketing site, a free Firefox add-on, described thus:

Google Global Firefox Extension

Google Global Firefox ExtensionGoogle Global is an unobtrusive Firefox extension that allows you to see what the Google search results that you are viewing look like from different geographical locations. This is very useful if you want to compare organic search results in different countries or if you want to see how your AdWords PPC campaigns appear in different regions.​

I would add that it works well on sponsored links as well, which was my interest.

Get it (free) at:

Google Global Firefox Extension

Linda, thanks for your timely response, and I hope someone else finds the above as useful as I did/do.
