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3 Content Strategies That Have Been Generating Sales Easily


New Member
1. Don't Sell, Provide Valuable Knowledge and Recommend

Here's my question, would you rather buy from a post that just advertise their product to you, or from a post that provided you with knowledge and them recommended their product to solve that problem? The answer is obvious right? A friendly recommendation is more effective than a sale pitch, especially if that friendly has provided you with valuable knowledge.

While writing contents, don't be a sale man who just wants money, but an honest friend who cares; by providing lots of valuable information they need, then recommend your product showing the benefits and the loss that can be averted.

2. Frame Your Message As Lost To Be Avoided


Everyone loves winning, but the majority dread losing than they love to win. People will act fast if your product solve a problem, and averts a possibly coming danger. If the product provides safety from a coming tribulation, or provides deliverance from a present pain, then it'll have no problem selling.

Focus mostly on that part of your product that'll ease their pain, and frees them from their present worries. Always justify your customers decision to buy and close the deal with a frame of risk to be avoided. Specify exactly how it'll help them get rid of their present problems, and or, their future worries. This technique will help you generate sales easily.

3. Write Review Articles

Writing review articles is one of the fastest way to target buyers, plus it can also turn a reader into an interested buyer; because he sees all the information he needs and compares product to product.

This is how it's done, I hope it helps you. Thanks for reading.
Great summary, thanks for sharing! The second point in particular seems very useful and it's an angle not many people use. I suppose articles that focus on a "what I've learned from my recent (costly) mistakes" viewpoint also fit into that category and yeah - I've always loved reading those, now that I think about it :)
I suppose articles that focus on a "what I've learned from my recent (costly) mistakes" viewpoint
"what I've learned" is what NOT to do --not pain point and solution


a strong feeling of dislike, opposition, repugnance, or antipathy (usually followed by to): a strong aversion to snakes and spiders.
a cause or object of dislike; person or thing that causes antipathy: His pet aversion is guests who are always late.
Obsolete. the act of averting; a turning away or preventing.


n.1.A turning towards; attention.