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Search results for query: email submit campaign on bing

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  1. Binom Tracker

    Gold Jaybot’s Follow Along Part 1.

    Affiliate Building Blocks. Hi! My name is Jaybot and I'm an Affiliate Marketer. Now, you may be wondering what this blog article/Follow Along/Tutorial thingy is all about. And to be honest with you... So am I :) OK. So, I've been around the block a few times and I am not a total noob, I've...
  2. Alex Tinter

    Looking For Maxbounty traffic sources, any addional idea!

    Hello, Please help me :( I Have been approved on Maxbounty a month ago, and started promoting on Faceook and Bingads but got shut donw almost instantly while running my 1 single campaign. My both ads accounts got disabled for life, and don't even now what's wrong with them; I read terms again...
  3. Maxxx333

    Survey Pre-Landers inquiry

    hi dude, i think yeah the best way of having a good landing page, is building it yourself, but since you don't have any knowledge on java or others, i could suggest you to go for a tool that could help you spying on your competitors, and try to get all the creatives they use, and by that way...
  4. Anup Sutar

    Promoting CPA Offers with Popunders & Redirect Traffic

    Hello, I am Anup Sutar and I have been around this forum for quite some time now. I have used popunders in my viral blog to generate some startup cash. But now I want to start in CPA marketing. I was thinking about promoting CPA offers via bing PPC because I received $200 bing ads coupon from...
  5. MithunRoy

    Campaign Help

    I want to run a campaign on Bing and Google Adwords.I select offers from Maxbounty(email submit, zip submit and health products) *I never run any paid campaign before. *I paln to use Google keyword planner for keywords research. *want to use instapage for landing page(without email capture from)...
  6. T J Tutor

    I'm getting my a** kicked on Bing

    This is not uncommon when trying the same, or similar, campaigns on another traffic source. First of all, what is your tracker telling you? How many impressions are you getting? Are you blocking suspected bot traffic? What is the estimated traffic supposed to be? Have you split tested ad...
  7. schleprock

    I'm getting my a** kicked on Bing

    I am having a tough time on Bing Ads. I did way better on 7Search. If I choose Broad match KWs I get impressions and clicks but none of the clicks convert. If I use Exact and Phrase matching I get minimal impressions and even fewer clicks. I have set my bids for mainline and still no real...
  8. schleprock

    direct linking

    How do I build a landing page for a survery offer that is an email submit? To me it would seem to be a barrier, to put a LP in between the ad and the final offer. (on the other hand, I paid just shy of 5 dollars to get one 1.30 conversion with Bing) (I was doing better with 7search traffic than...
  9. schleprock

    LP for a cheating boyfriend offer?

    I am struggling with a direct linking Bing campaign because I don't control the LP and the Display URLs. It is an email submit so a landing page for it seems wasteful. I found an offer on MaxBounty. It is for cheating boyfriends/girlfriends. Spokeo Would this offer be appropriate for me to...
  10. schleprock

    Bing Ads display URL?

    I am getting this message on my Bing Ads KWs. (from the ellipsis in the browser) Your ad can’t show because you have the same display url as a higher ranked ad.This could happen because you have multiple accounts that are competing with each other or it could be due to competitor action. If you...
  11. mforno

    What is the best strategy for CPA offers?

    Hi all, I thought I would throw this post out there. I have joined Peerfly and am real keen to start on my first PPC campaign to drive traffic to it. Found an offer that pays $1.60 for email submit. Allowed Methods: Search PPC, Social PPC, Banner Display, Contextual Not Allowed: NO Incent, NO...
  12. Harris Khan

    What CPA offers work best with direct traffic?

    BizOp, email submit and zip offers work best with direct linking. You can start your campaign on bing.
  13. azgold

    How to promote Email Submits (Sweepstakes) Using Bing PPC

    ...people and cause issues with the FTC. There may be some more info in one of these threads: Search Results for Query: email submit campaign on bing | Affiliate Marketing Forum | AffiliateFix This industry is creative and mental hard work. Think outside the box; get the pulse on your...
  14. akumadxl

    My journey with my first CPA Campaign to make 10k a month.

    Hi everyone. It has been 3 weeks since I announce my goal of "10k a month" goal. This last 3 weeks has been a rollercoaster and quite a learning experience. I have set up my front end: 1. VPS:Blue Host (Not quite happy with their laggy performance) 2.Affiliate Network: Max Bounty, Adwork...
  15. raynoldclare

    My first campaign

    Hi @Rvfamily Thanks for the comment. I'm really sorry for taking so long to reply. For your info I've killed off this campaign. I have no proper plan for this campaign. Just testing and wanted to learn more by doing and taking action. Update: I haven't earn a cent yet from affiliate marketing...
  16. raynoldclare

    Email Submit/Free Samples Offer

    @leadpro I'm using Instabuilder to create LP. keyword research is not that hard but i have problems regarding on what keywords to use to promote free sample offers..and also on how many keywords do I need for a campaign running on Bing ads.
  17. raynoldclare

    Email Submit/Free Samples Offer

    Hi guys. Honestly, I've been learning about CPA since October last year but never made any money yet. This month my goal is to earn that first dollar from CPA. For that purpose, I'm going to promote Email submit (Free samples) offer. Coding is my biggest problem so I bought software to make...
  18. b222b2

    email submit offer promotion

    Hi there, Greetings, I'm totally newbie. I've completed my training on affiliate marketing maninly based on bing ppc. When I was just starting, my bing ppc account had been suspended for unknown reason. So I've been somewhat disappointed at the starting point. Although I mainly focused on CPA...
  19. mattbatfatcat

    My CPA Journey to $100/day and a Profitable Business

    Hey everyone, I briefly introduced myself a few weeks ago and since then I have been reading and researching a lot on affiliate marketing. I thought I might just shed some light on what I have done thus far and the amazing resources that I have been tapping on. First off, I think it's very...