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Yahoo Publisher Network BUZZ

Linda Buquet

New Member
Been busy collecting some of the hottest YPN buzz for you, so you can read all the best info, all in one place! Even have some samples of different Y ad formats for you to see.

The 5 Star blog has links to examples, links to articles, interviews, other forum discussions and also to Y's own blog about it. Too many links to copy here right now. So just click to read.

Yahoo! Publisher Network - All the Buzz is Right Here!

Then come back here to discuss it! Will you try it? What do you think about it?
Well it took quite a while but I finally got approved to join the beta testing of the Yahoo! Publisher Network.

I will be testing it's performance against Google Adsense on some new sites I'm launching. It will be interesting to see how The new Yahoo! Publisher Network will hold up against Googles proven peformer.
StephenR said:
Well it took quite a while but I finally got approved to join the beta testing of the Yahoo! Publisher Network.

I will be testing it's performance against Google Adsense on some new sites I'm launching. It will be interesting to see how The new Yahoo! Publisher Network will hold up against Googles proven peformer.


I signed up for the Yahoo Publisher Network a month or so ago but haven't heard anything since, except for miscellaneous emails. Did you do anything to proactively join the beta testing or were you simply contacted by Yahoo to become a beta tester?


I signed up for Yahoo Publisher about two months ago I believe and was informed they were not taking on any more beta testers at that time. Then about 5 days ago I received a welcome message to the Yahoo Publisher Network.

Yahoo is waaaay stricter than Google when it comes to partnering with their advertisers. I believe many affiliate oriented sites have a harder time getting approved because major search engines (such as Yahoo and Google) do not necessarily feel affiliate based sites offer "value/content rich content". I'm still trying to get approved for a Google Adsense for Feeds Account and the Yahoo! Search Marketing/Yahoo! Small Business affiliate programs marketed via Commission Junction. Those last two are excellent HIGHLY IDENTIFIABLE services with excellent EPC's and Network Earnings :(

In retrospect I feel one should first build up a content rich site offering articles, reviews, a blog* and associated resources. Leverage some good link building to gain link popularity, with LIKE SITES*, and gain that notorious (but overrated) Google PR. DO NOT PUT ANYTHING ON YOUR SITE THAT PROMPTS PEOPLE TO BUY ANYTHING....YET. With your non commercial oriented site apply for Google Adsense/Adsense for Feeds and the aforementioned premier Yahoo affiliate programs via CJ. Once you have been approved for these programs you can start to add revenue generating programs or contextual based advertising.