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Yahoo Directory Listing?


New Member

What's your view on Yahoo directory listings, is it really worth it? I somehow; doubt that it is valuable link, I think search engines trust this web directory but somehow I truly doubt that it is really worth the submission fee.

I think you can be much better off by submitting to 10-15 quality paid web directories, that have been around for ages than one link for a Yahoo listing, sure it may be worth it for the long run but still not sure it's really worth it.

Do you think it's worth the submission fee?

- Meti
Hmm now you will meet alot of people that are all for it and alot that think its rubbish.

My Views ? Well im all for it although ive only got one of my sites listed i still think its worth the investment, its is perceived as a "respected" source and if i could afford it i would have all of my sites listed.

Its a little like DMOZ some like it some dont, usually the people that dont like are the one's that cant get in it and have not experienced that it brings
i never tried them yet.

i want to try it soon.

so i hope to see some good comments on this topic. ;)
if your web site doesn't get included within their directory you won't receive a refund.

To make sure you do get accepted i would only do it when im sure i would, id look at the category and compare all the sites already there with mine. I wouldnt risk it with and adsense sites or directorys but genuine sites with good contents or business sites i would.
To make sure you do get accepted i would only do it when im sure i would, id look at the category and compare all the sites already there with mine. I wouldnt risk it with and adsense sites or directorys but genuine sites with good contents or business sites i would.

I heard that if your web site isin't commercial submission is free; and many has been approved so far and successfully included within the directory.

- Meti
That is true but ive never been successful with a free submission, i submit most of my sites every 3 months and haven't managed it yet :(