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what is the best social media site for traffic?

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I think it varies from individual to individual and of course your site's niche. This is why it's always advisable to promote your sites more on niche social networks because these are the places you are more likely to find people who might be interested in visiting your site.

That said, since you can get traffic from any social media site, you could choose a few [say 5 social media sites] where you'll promote your site. Never put all your eggs in one basket . . .
There are So many Social Website to get the traffic on Google ,
Google Plus,

In regular posting of unique content in different social media sites like Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Flickr, Imgur, Google plus, Reddit with the help of social media sites we can get the traffic to the website on google.
There is nothing such as the best social media for traffic. The traffic depends on the numbers of followers and connection you have on your social media account. If you have 2K friends on facebook and you have just 1K followers in twitter,you will get more traffic from facebook compared to twitter. What works for you does nit work for me
hear are so many social medea site to got trafic in gooogle
Google Plus,
For the best effect it is necessary try to develop activities in all these social networks, then you will understand which one brings the best traffic.
There are lots of sites by which you can got traffic in your site. these sites are Facebook, twitter, linkedin, Google+ etc.
more on niche social networks because these are the places you are more likely to find people who might be interested in visiting your site.
That said, since you can get traffic from any social media site, you could choose a few [say 5 social media sites] where you'll promote your site. Never put all your eggs in one basket . . .
Best Social Media is best way Promote Business. Social Networking sites are the Facebook, Google +, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram etc. Update the Fresh Content, Images, Video etc.
Social media marketing is best way for growth you business. Social Media site like facebook, google plus, twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.
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Facebook and twitter is best for traffic
Linkedin is best for marketing
You can use Reddit, StumbleUpon, VK, Quora, Instagram, Pinterest.
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