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What About Classifieds?


New Member
O.K., in the past I have tried the classifieds for selling products or getting sifn ups. It never worked and I gave up on it. But recently I thought that they might work for list building. Like maybe if give away some quality content and some cool software, people might sign up.

So I decided to create a landing page and offer free software, alot of free software. I even decided to buy a premium listing, and I got 20,000 extra text ads free. After 4 days, I have 0 sign ups.

Am I doing something wrong? Or are classifieds totally useless. Im thinking useless.

Thanks For helping.
I don't know, I think they are just so jammed with ads it's hard for any one of them to get much exposure. I recently tried one of the biggest for 5 Star, work from home and Internet business ads. I was disappointed in the results too.

Course I have no way of tracking at 5 Star since I don't sell anything, all I can tell is how many visitors they say they sent me and it wasn't many.
strive more

Just a point to ponder. there's no overnight success. You've got to deal with the ups and downs before reaching the highest pedestal that you are longing for. Moreover, the more you should strive hard. You did not mention the time spent in your qualms but I think it never did go to as much as a year. Am I correct? Then its not yet the end of the rope. Start all over again and think of other styles to get the audience.
I use classified ads for some of my marketing and have had the best month I've ever had. I think it has to do with the niche and how many people that are looking for your niche product.

Being very extreme here, but Conservations Guide to Saving Trees may not do well in a newspaper classified ad (wrong place) or Ancient War Tools may not do well online because there is not enough volume.