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The reality is, each and every affiliate uses and has to use proxies. One of the most popular questions in all affiliate marketing group chats states, “Where do you find good proxies?” The answer is closer than you think!

ProxyPanda — proxies created specifically for affiliate tasks. Private mobile proxies solve the problem with multi accounts and the overall safety in any social network:

The WEBVORK promo code will get you a 15% discount for these proxies!
✨ MEDIA PARTNER OF THE ARAB VACATION CONTEST – LEADGID (LeadGid) is a true titan in the world of financial affiliate marketing.
Many years of experience allow us to provide the best conditions for cooperation, as well as stable guarantees to both publishers and advertisers.

On June 9th, Leadgid will traditionally hold a conference on financial lead generation in St. Petersburg.
Sign up to dive into the atmosphere of networking and find out all the traffic trends for finance in 2022:
If you work with nutra and do not plan to abandon its prospects and move to other verticals, then you must enjoy taking part in the new Webvork’s contest!
Just drive traffic and win a seat on a luxury trip to Dubai!
Read the details here:

Search traffic is traditionally the best target-wise. Hence the higher approval and buyout rates, and, as a result, bigger payouts. Queries is what you should start your search campaign promotion. Without semantics, it is impossible to imagine how people take interest in their issues, products or service.

In order for you to be able to launch your ads in search engines as soon as possible, we at Webvork have collected and translated search queries to all GEOs for our offers. The translations were done by native speakers, and the collection was created by our contextual advertising experts.

You can find queries in the following resources:

1. In your personal account. Choose an offer and click the Promo button

2. On Google drive under the link: For webmasters - Google Drive

3. On this VKontakte discussion board: Поисковая семантика офферы WEBRORK | Webvork CPA. Бурж арбитраж по-новому! | VK

Summer’s here, it’s the sweetest season of all. For some, it’s a reason to relax and get some rest from the traffic making, but for others it’s the best time to drive more and more traffic to the hottest seasonal offers!

Last week, these were such hot and juicy offers that brought the highest profit to our publishers:
1. Parazax Complex in Austria, a 48% approval rate.
2. Varilux Premium in Italy, a 45% approval rate.
3. CannabisVitalOil in Italy, 45%.

Follow our list of top offers and earn that coin!

Cardiobalance is an offer that was created specifically for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, and it is now available in Portugal!

The natural ingredients of the product is are harmless and, moreover, it’s really beneficial to human blood vessels, which is why it has already gained popularity in many European countries and is regularly among our TOP approved offers.

Here’s the link to the offer Авторизоваться

Payout rates in Portugal start from €32 per lead!

White pages are important assets on your path to profit, much like your website, creative, and backend. The algorithm looks at your white page before it can approve or deny your ad. The higher the quality of your white page is, the longer will your account live.

Today, we’re going to tell you about the rules you should follow to create a white page that will pass the moderation process and prolong your account’s life, and we’ll see what our experts think about this issue: Let’s create a white page that will 99% pass the moderation process - Webvork Blog

Let’s go!

Webvork products are mainly dietary supplements that are sold in Europe not only as affiliate marketers’ goods, but also in stores and even in pharmacies.
This means that 100% quality Webvork products are licensed!

✨ Use licenses to successfully pass moderation and also contact official Facebook partners for your offers’ promotion, since this is a good option when you have all the necessary documents in order.

Find the documentation under the link:

We’re welcoming Sergey Borisov today.

Sergey is the creator of the CPA NOOB public page and the owner of the CTR 10 creative studio. He has been working with traffic for over 7 years. During this time, he managed to work with almost all traffic sources, improve his skills in video production, shoot a short series about affiliate marketing, run his own blog, and much more.

Enjoy: Affiliates talks: Sergey Borisov “CPA NOOB” - Webvork Blog

Happy workweek everyone! Here’s something to spike your interest in getting that success — our new list of top approved offers!
Varilux Premium is, again, the leader. The offer came in the first one in Italy with a 47% approval rate.
The second spot went to Idealis, a weight loss offer. Its approval rate was 46% in Switzerland.
The third place has the ultimate healing oil — Cannabisvital Oil with a 45% approval rate in Italy.

Follow our list of top offers and earn that coin!
английская сегодня.PNG

Every normal affiliate has tons of problems to solve daily. Besides the need to constantly look for new campaign approaches and make creatives for higher conversion rates, there are also difficulties brought by traffic sources themselves. Payment problems is one of these.

But Webvork always has a good solution for its affiliates! From now on, we're giving virtual cards to our steady publishers so that this causes you less trouble!

Contact your personal manager to find out more abou this program.
Call centers handling leads is one of the main aspects of working with an affiliate network.
This is why the centers must be high quality and we answer for it.

And to ensure you in our competent work, we suggest you look at one of our recent call transcripts from a German call center so that you can see the script for our Slim4Vit offer.

Read the transcript here: Slim4Vit call center - Webvork Blog

Tests are our everything! But sometimes you just want a simple... bunch of already tested campaigns! And we’ve got them.
In this campaign selection, you will find 4 TOP approaches, including offer names, GEOs, best pre-landing pages, and the most converting landings.

1. Keton Active offer
GEO: Italy

Best pre-landing pages:

The best landings:

2. Parazax Complex offer
GEO: Germany

Best pre-landing pages:

The best landings:

3. Artrolux + offer
GEO: Spain

Best pre-landing pages:

The best landings:

4. Urogun offer
GEO: Italy

Best pre-landing pages:

The best landings:

Learn and customize your treads! And since we provide translations of creative materials, this means we can always help you for free.
✨Quality promos for quality creatives!

Friends, our Varilux Premium offer has become a real bestseller this spring and summer already.
The supplement is great at relieving legs from fatigue and fighting signs of varicose veins. That is why thousands of women in Europe give their preference to this offer to maintain the beauty of their legs over and over again.

And, of course, stunning creatives will help you attract the target audience for this product, which is impossible to complete without good product photos.

However, we went further and prepared not only photos, but also banners for various GEOs, high-quality logos, and certificates.

➡️ Link to all our Varilux Premium promo materials:

Affiliate marketing in on fire, despite the summer season. After all, nutra is an all-season niche, and you should always sell it while it works! Our offers in Europe are performing very well, too.
Last week, Cardiobalance became the undisputed leader.
This offer is the top one for two GEOs at once: Switzerland with a 43% approval rate and Italy with 42%.
Cannabisvital Oil took the third place in the ranking. Its approval rate in Italy was 40%.

Follow our list of top offers and earn that coin!

You can find all of it in just one place, no ads or infinite feeds – just open our Telegram!
Subscribe to our channel, turn on your notifications, and stay tuned for all the useful affiliate marketing tips we have for you: translations of articles from credible affiliate sources, interviews with market players, manuals to setting up different services, and so much more.

Subscribe to our Telegram channel:
➡️ Webvork. Affiliate Program

And join our chat where we give away money PRIZES to the most active users every month:
➡️ МАМ, Я ХАСЛА! СРА ЧАТ для топчиков и нубов
⚙️Any solo affiliate that doesn’t really know anything about coding has problems with editing their websites – landing and pre-landing pages.

It's not necessary to thoroughly learn HTML in order to be able to adapt a transit page to your offer, you just have to learn the basics, understand the logic behind the positions of required code elements, and learn how to edit scripts and add new ones.
So, in this article we’re going to talk about how to edit any website item (offer, background, text), how to insert an order script and an order script with a sales wheel, how to edit them, and many other useful aspects.

Let’s go: How to get any transit page ready for your campaign and offer. Let’s see how to use HTML to alter these pages. - Webvork Blog

Our affiliate network also provides private offers, which means that you can drive traffic to them almost without competition!
And today we’re happy to open a new GEO for one of such offers – our virility supplement Urogun is now available in Portugal.

Payout rates start at €32 per lead!

The Urogun offer is capsules for men that help them feel strong, happy, desired, successful, and, of course, confident.
The global statistics state that every third man of 30 years or older and every second man of 40 has virility problems.
The target audience is rich, and the problem is very serious.

Contact your personal manager to get access to the new offer

We’ve gathered all the promotions and discounts together for you. Follow the link and save using our discount codes!


At the link, you will find:
• discounts up to 50% for spy services
• up to 40% for anti-detect browsers
• bonuses for teaser networks deposits
• discounts for buying proxies
• the best deals for cloaking services
• discount codes for automated launch tools

And much more!

The section is regularly updated with new offers that will significantly reduce your spending on ad campaign supplies!

This rating is based on our offers’ approval rates, which means that you can’t be left unsatisfied if you drive traffic to these three!
So, Cardiobalance was the absolute leader of the last week. In Switzerland, its average approval rate was 49%. The second spot has Prostatricum with 47% of approval in Austria.
The last of the three leaders is Varilux Premium. Its average approval rate in Italy was 42%.

Follow our list of top offers and earn that coin!
‍ Creative room — your source of inspiration!

Offers that help detoxify the body, relieve stress, and improve overall well-being are some of the oldest in the nutra vertical.
Today, we will talk about the Detoxionis offer. Detoxionis eliminates toxins and replenishes the deficiency of various vitamins and minerals.
In this article, we will look at creatives and approaches that different publishers use when driving traffic to this offer.

➡️ It's already up in our blog: Creative room : Detoxionis - Webvork Blog