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Web directory vs Search Engine



Hi guys,

Do you think it is worthwhile to submit our site to web directories.

If you take on consideration that most of them have a low traffic and most of surfers don't usually turn to a directory to find a site - they usually turn to search engines or personal recommendations. :sad:

How to know which are the best one, those where most surfers use to find services? :confused:

You are right most directories do not have much traffic but if you do summit your site to many directories you will get good inbound links that will increase your search engine ranking
People mostly submit to directories, not for the traffic, because their is barely any, but for the inbound link value.

For example, if you submit to and are eventually successful (note I said 'eventually' - it can take many months), then every directory that uses the dmoz database will contain your link, so you are not just submitting to dmoz, you are submitting to hundreds of other directories which use their database.

Temi is correct by saying your overall search engine ranking will increase. The name of the game is links. The more the better.
You may not get tons of traffic but you will get some so there's really no harm in doing so. I don't think there's any such thing as too much website exposure, I could be wrong though.
I will do that. Thanks

I have submit my site to DMOZ in February and I am still waiting... is it normal? How many months Do I need wait? and if it is not accepted cause of mistakes or others problems, may I submit my site again?

With dmoz submission I will say don't hold your breath, it make take years if your site is listed at all that is.
ina said:
I have submit my site to DMOZ in February and I am still waiting... is it normal? How many months Do I need wait? and if it is not accepted cause of mistakes or others problems, may I submit my site again?
Unfortunately, it is very normal. Submission to dmoz can take more than a year. You read that correctly. Sometimes it only takes a few months but more often than not, it takes longer.

To submit to dmoz, make certain you read the submission guidelines thoroughly and that your submission and website complies fully. Submit your site. Forget about it.

If your site meets all of the guidelines then it will eventually get included in the directory. If it doesn't meet the guidelines or you have submitted it to the wrong category, then it will either be rejected for non-compliance or it will be put to the back of the queue for the correct category which can stretch the time for it to get through the submission process considerably.

Don't keep resubmitting your site. This is viewed as spamming the submission process and can get you rejected outright.
When submitting to DMOZ, make SURE your site appears to be 100% content related, with no ads. Again NO ADS - Not even Adsense. Once you're listed, wait at least 6 months (That's when editors take you off their, "New inclusion" radar - Most of em don't make money, so they're jealous of anyone who does/or might - So (IMHO) they're keeping an eye on you right after inclusion) before you start placing advertisements on your site. After that, bombs away. Links away also ;o
thanks Guys,

I was a bit worried but now, I feel better. I am waiting.

Hope my site will be accepted one day.

For the moment, I am moving on to add my site to web directories.

Old Welsh Guy said:
My rugby forum went into DMOZ in 3 weeks :D

What a result lol. Shame I have vowed not to ake any omney on it ever though :(

3 weeks? that is super fast, any specific reason why your site was listed that quickly?

I sort of speculate that if a website has contents and good quality subject to category you submit to having an editor, your site should be listed pretty quickly.
Submitting to a niche category with an editor, or an editor above is about the fastest way to get listed. So in my case, there was no editor in the cat I submitted to, but there was an editor in the cat above. The title etc has been accepted as is, without the need to edit it.

I have found that the more specialised the cat you submit to, the more interested the editor is likely to be.