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Viruses on mobile on its way


New Member
The widespread outbreak of mobile phone viruses will occur when a sufficient number of them share an operating system (OS), according to researchers.
Viruses spread by Bluetooth could reach all users of a given OS in days, whereas those spread by multimedia messages could spread in just hours.
But the virulence will only appear when a given OS has about 10% market share.
This "percolation transition" was described at the Science Beyond Fiction conference in Prague.
Media mix
In 2008, Albert-Laszlo Barabasi, Director of the Center for Complex Network Research at Northeastern University in the US, published a study on the movements of more than 100,000 mobile phone users.
Their daily routines showed which "social networks" an individual user inhabits, and their patterns of movement exhibited surprising repetition and predictability.

source: bbc
Protect ourselves

Yes, there are strong chances of mobile viruses out there, but we can also take precaution method such as not reading any message from unknown person. I think this will really help.