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Viral versus Targeted Marketing


New Member
Hello again. I had a more specific question, so I thought it best to start a new thread. Please let me know if this was the wrong thing to do.

I think I fully understand the concepts of viral and targeted marketing, and viral marketing seems self-explanatory and logical. What I don't understand is how to generate a marketing campaign that is targeted without spam or monstrous amounts of extra work (not meaning too much work, but meaning more work than will be cost effective when considering the returns.)

I have two niche projects rolling right now. Site I have created for both of them rank on the first page (actually almost all of the first three pages) for the key words I targeted. I have contacted other similar (non affiliate) "competitor" sites to work out a link trade. I am currently looking for email and forum groups to whom I can announce my sites. I have posted US Free Ads for my sites in the appropriate niche listings. That's about all I can think of on my own.

Can someone please give me an idea of how to create a feasible targeted marketing campaign?

Cheers in advance!
Thanks Rob! This has loads of grat stuff in it! I am doing almost all of it already, but there are two or three new tricks for me in there that sound fabulous!

Between that and the tip on beefing up my landing page, I think things will work better for me in the near future. I have a LOT of work ahead of me this week, but I am already tucking in and getting my hands dirty with re-editing my landing pages and a new barrage of marketing tricks that hopefully will do the trick. I don't expect to see changes overnight, but maybe I will have ?50 by the end of the weekend? Fingers crossed and I will post virtual backflips if I make any money.

Thanks you so much Rob!
No probs, but I must admit I am still worried about your product selection and possibly keyword selection.

I mean, the concept of "buy" keywords versus "browse" keywords is so incredibly important (and I STILL get it wrong regularly). To put so much work into the wrong keywords is incredibly frustrating (I once spent a lot of time optimising a site for a keyword when it was the PLURAL that was the keyword to bring sales - very frustrating).
Rob I had the same concern after reading this.

Will said:
"I have two niche projects rolling right now. Site I have created for both of them rank on the first page (actually almost all of the first three pages) for the key words I targeted."

1) if a newbie can get 1st page ranking that fast and easy then I have to wonder if the KWs are so obscure that hardly anyone is searching for them.
There are few good niches that don't have any competition and there isn't much if it's that easy to get ranked.

2) you also said: (actually almost all of the first three pages)
Are you saying your site comes up multiple times in the 1st 3 pages for the same KW? How? This could be a problem.
Yup. Agreed.

Kingseesar. Please go to and type in your main keyword (the one your are ranking well for). How many searches does overture say it is getting?

(If you want to be perfectly sure of how many searches a word is getting and more importantly, how it converts then you really need to do a PPc campaign IMHO or at least use a paid service to find out).

Let's see: One keyword is getting 587 searches a day and the other one is only getting about 160. Some other related keywords that are semi-targeted within my pages are getting about 110 searches, although that may not make a difference as I am not ranked as highly with those searches.

May I am just not knowledgeable about any products that are popular enough to be marketable. There is a good chance of that actually. It sounds like things are pointing to bad product choice repeatedly. Back to the drawing board? I hope something works out soon. I haven't made a dime in two months now and saving are running out...

I also did a wordtracker search for the same words and got a nightmarish 34 for the main keyword! Widening the search to part of the keyword phrase yielded 10184 and 18807 for two of the three word phrase for my leading keyword. (Did that make sense? The keyword phrase is Blah Poo Goop and the two wider searches were Blah Poo and Poo Goop, so to speak.)

For the other one: 12 / 188/ 113

So that tells me it is BOTH the keyword selection and the product (specifically the "browse" nature of the key word as opposed to the "buying" nature of the keyword.)

Okay. More thoughts? I am sure you are going to say start over, so I am preparing myself for that...

Thanks and sorry to be so bad at this! I'll get it eventually. You are both very kind and patient! it is truly appreciated!
Hi there Kingseesar!

IMO, PPC is a very effective way of getting targetted traffic given the proper treatment. Identify your niche and select the market you want to cater to and start from there. Research also on the keywords your desired market would most likely be looking for. You should be more focused on getting targetted traffic than just page views as. Buying targetted link backs are also effective at getting targetted traffic. It really all boils down to what your site offers to your traffic so also work on your content;)

Another great way of targetting your desired audience is through forum posting on similar niche. Nice and free way to draw traffic ;)
Thanks for the post Mr Cat!

I am currently digging through forums and emailing groups to find places to post and include my URL legally. I am not fully sure my content is up to speed, but i will say that I tweak the content of my pages regularly in an attempt to offer the most of the visitor and keep the monetisation at it most optimum. Very good tips and I I do need to keep these things in mind as I work towards making this my full time job.

Thanks again Mr Cat!

Will, you can place your URL here at 5 Star legally in your signature if you want one. Use the Control Panel for setting it up. Under most circumstances you may not include your URL in your posts.

Be sure to follow the signature rules, and here they are:
Signature Restrictions:
• Maximum length: 5 lines (breaks between lines count as lines)
• Maximum font size permitted is size 2
• No images or cookie requests allowed
• No more than 3 links per signature
• NOTE: Moderators, 5 Star clients and paid forum sponsors may have longer signatures

You can't say or do anything to get people to notice your signature. For example, you can't say "check the site in my signature."
Thanks for the post Mr Cat!

I am currently digging through forums and emailing groups to find places to post and include my URL legally. I am not fully sure my content is up to speed, but i will say that I tweak the content of my pages regularly in an attempt to offer the most of the visitor and keep the monetisation at it most optimum. Very good tips and I I do need to keep these things in mind as I work towards making this my full time job.

Thanks again Mr Cat!

Your welcome Will! Best of luck and keep us posted on any development ;)

Larwee cited good points on forum sigs! Take note of it as those usually applies to most forums I have visited.