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An AI polling startup makes its predictions for tomorrow’s races | Semafor
We asked Aaru, a company founded by three teens, to ask their thousands of AI chatbots how they would vote in key races. Here’s what they said.

We wrote about the two 19-year-old college dropouts, Cam Fink and Ned Koh, and Aaru, the company they co-founded with 15-year-old John Kessler, two months ago. They use census and other demographic data to create thousands of AI avatars of voters, each with hundreds of personality traits to model the humans they’re supposed to mimic. The bots (“agents”) are fed with a diet of news and information those people might consume, and then asked about their preferences — in this case, who they would vote for. Fink and Koh say the tests they’ve run show their system is incredibly accurate — and much cheaper and faster to run than traditional polling.
Read that article and the results