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Too Good to BE True?


New Member
Hi eveybody,

I just found some software which are suppose to create your website and promote it, all with the AUTO PILOT...
IS IT FOR REAL or maybe TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE??:confused:
If it sounds too good to be true - it usually is! Especially when it comes to Internet marketing. There really isn't a short cut to success. The slicker the pitch, the more likely the goal is just to get you to part with your credit card. this situation i want to say - trust but verify...
presents are good things but they can cost much in future(
how did you find this program? this situation i want to say - trust but verify...
presents are good things but they can cost much in future(
how did you find this program?

well through searches relating Affiliate Marketing i came across with this product.However i found out that this kind of program is a total scam!
I wouldn't use a software to promote my websites, Google likes to see manual work. This is how I build backlinks by working on them my self.
I haven't seen any that can promote your site with the pushbutton ease that is included in the sales copy. The closest software to approach that may be SEO Nuke, and that still takes work on your part.
Many times, the owner or developer of the product promoted online does not have any bad intentions whatsoever. It is the pitch and/or the bad choice of words, description that makes it look too good to be true when in reality , it could just be a script that submits thousands of 1 way backlinks on auto pilot which may work "almost" as described.

I have seen such software with a poor choice as to the description. The software itself was brilliant, the writer of the advert not so much.

Although Scams are rare,and I'll eventually post a study I made 3 years ago on that very subject,It's fine to use diligence and common sense when browsing through Ads online or offline.

Take care,

Bernard St-Pierre
Marketing Consultant
Most prolly it is too good to be true. Whenever I hear auto pilot, I tend to stay away. But who knows...maybe this one is true.
I just read someone's actual honest review of one the popular "push button" programs - mass article traffic. they basically said that if you paid the original price and didn't go with the upsells, what you received was social bookmarking software and a rss feed software program ;)
If it worked, everyone would do it. No pain, no gain..right? To have a quality site you need to put some time and effort into it!
If you had an script like that one ( that would really work ) would you sell it to others or you would keep only for yourself? I would choose the second part.
I think the version 2 of this script would be:
No making money for you as well. :D
a lot of people make fantastic claims about their products . Most of these are gross exaggerations. it is very smart to check out the credability of the person making these claims. which in the past i have failed to do. i commend you for researching this product before buying it .
This is the problem with the promotion of a software, sometimes they make it sounds so great but then most of the software will need user to use it properly. The software help to automate the process, make it faster but still we have to work hard to achieve result. Even the rewriting softwares if not use properly will not give us a very good result. We still have to do the work