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Simple and effective CMS

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New Member
I want to get knowledge about any CMS. Please tell me any simple and effective CMS.
Which is better Joomla, Drupal or pligg? I have lot of heard about these.
Joomla is good as it has a lot of free extensions. WP is better for blogs. Magento is the best for eCommerce. All this - my personal opinion resulting from 7 years of experience.
I want to get knowledge about any CMS. Please tell me any simple and effective CMS.
Which is better Joomla, Drupal or pligg? I have lot of heard about these.

I do very well with drupal, it is very extendable and has a good community :)

provided you have some tech knowledge or can follow the numerous tutorials and can configure all the modules properly etc there is an initial learning curve but this is so with all CMS's

let me know if you have any questions about drupal and I can help out :cool:
I recommend TYPO3
If you will want later translate your website into multiple languages, it will be much easier with TYPO3 as with Wordpress.
I want to get knowledge about any CMS. Please tell me any simple and effective CMS.
Which is better Joomla, Drupal or pligg? I have lot of heard about these.

Actually, if I were going to purchase CMS, I wouldn't choose any of the one's you have listed. I would go with the world leader in CMS, Interspire or vBulletin.

That's not meant to be a knock on other CMS. It's just a personal preference, based on months of educated research.

David Jackson
Actually, if I were going to purchase CMS, I wouldn't choose any of the one's you have listed. I would go with the world leader in CMS, Interspire or vBulletin.


vBulletin is forum software, the same software that drives this forum. I don't think most affiliates would want either the expense or the effort involved in maintaining a forum. They would normally just want something that would allow them to post articles featuring certain products and services they are offering for sale. They'd be much further ahead with WordPress or Joomla or Drupal for those purposes.
Wrong! The new vBulletin 4.0 is CMS.

David Jackson

Do you think you could make a little bit of effort to be less abrasive? :rolleyes:

1. vBulletin 4.0 is still forum software. The vBulletin 4.0 Suite is an ehanced version that includes article management (CMS) and blogging features, but the core is still the forum. It's also quite pricey.

2. Additionally, vBulletin 4.0 has not yet been released.
vBulletin 4.0 is still forum software. The vBulletin 4.0 Suite is an ehanced version that includes article management (CMS) and blogging features, but the core is still the forum. It's also quite pricey.

The point is it's still CMS. And what does the price have to do with anything? I own vBulletin's software, and I think it's a bargain at any price!

David Jackson
So do I. Two licenses. I'm not slamming vBulletin at all. I'm merely pointing out that for most affiliates vBulletin software, even the new Suite when it's finally released, is probably overkill for what they need. And if you don't need the features, why pay for the cost of those features?
I'm not slamming vBulletin at all. I'm merely pointing out that for most affiliates vBulletin software, even the new Suite when it's finally released, is probably overkill for what they need. And if you don't need the features, why pay for the cost of those features?

Your point is valid. But did you know that you can actually turn off the features that you don't need? And as your business grows, you can incorporate them into your business as needed.

David Jackson
That's true. I've actually pre-purchased two licenses of the Suite, partly because they were offering an attractive discount, and while I'm not sure I want all of the new features I may later decide to use them.

But still, when I first launched my forums (I don't mean 5 Star - these are mental health forums), I had no idea whether they'd attract any interest at all, so I started with free software - over time I evolved from phpBB to SMF to vBulletin. I did the same with directory software. Given that you can always upgrade, my general approach is to get what you need now and then upgrade when you start to achieve some success with the project.

That said, I can see how in some circumstances one could make a good argument for getting the best software and hosting you can afford off the bat.
I can see how in some circumstances one could make a good argument for getting the best software and hosting you can afford off the bat.

And therein lies the crux of my argument. If you start off with the best software and hosting, not only does it eliminate a ton of frustration, it frees up your time so that you can actually promote your business.

That being said, I realize that a most newbies don't have a lot of money. My advice to them is save your money, until you afford quality software and hosting.

And while you're saving your money, study your craft so that you can hit the ground running, and start making money right off the bat.

David Jackson
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