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SEO in other search engines


New Member
I have these questions that are bugging me recently.

Since Google is becoming stringent in its search indexing work, is it a good idea to do or transfer your SEO work to other sites?

Is SEO different in Yahoo! and Bing? Can your website get rank in them more easily (or harder)?. Do they have algorithm updates or other SERP rule changes?

1. Google still has the lion's share of search so thinking you can't simply switch to trying to optimize for Bing is foolish.

2. Yahoo and Bing as far as I know are still merged for search.

3. Optimizing for other search engines may be a little different for other search engines but basically the major factors for on page and off site SEO are going to be pretty much the same for all of them.
One big difference between the different search engines is the social networks they use. Bing is more Facebook oriented while Google is REALLY Google plus oriented.

Apparently Bing and Yahoo are about 30 percent of the searches, so it would be smart to optimize for them. It could boost your organic search volume by 50%.
A good practice is to do onsite optimization and submit to major search engines webmaster area.

IMHO, all of them works on the same algorithms.

So if you submit to Bing-Yahoo Webmaster Tools there is a dashboard plenty of tools you can use.