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Questions about my FIRST affiliate marketing webpage & spending


so I think it's fair to say that most often the very first thing that new affiliate marketers spend money on is a domain and hosting for their first website. Similarly, the first substantive & productive action many new affiliate marketers make seems to be getting a website started.

So I'd really like to ask more experienced members, "what should my first website be like?"

I'm thinking about the website I'd use to apply to a CPA network/program. This is what I suppose people would call their "main" website.

Questions about the nature of this site:
1. What exactly should this type of website be like?
2. Should it just be strictly business, introducing myself? Talk about my marketing and what my plans are?
3. Should it be something like a niche site or blog relating to the types of offers I plan on promoting?

Questions about using this site:
1. Should all or most of my offers / landing pages be part of the sitemap of my main site?
2. Should all of my offers / landing pages be subdomains of this site?
3. Should all of my offers / landing pages have their own domain?

Perhaps some of these questions are subjective, so if they are, what are the advantages/disadvantages of each way of doing things? And do you have any specific recommendations for a newer affiliate?
Subdomains not necessarily, but evident. Simplifies the thing ;)

Also not necessarily, but evident. At least put the offer name somehow in the (sub)domain name. That's better for the search engines.

What do you mean by these exactly? That my offers / landing pages should be, or at least can be (can be meaning it's standard practice for at least some affiliates) primarily subdomains of my main website? I ask because I'm not sure if I should be buying a domain for every one of my landing pages, or just using subdomains of either my main website or another more attractive domain.

Thanks for the advice, having K's blog for reference helps, but my accomplishments as an affiliate pale in comparison haha.
U don't need it
just see them ur landing pages
and other earnings From other affiliate networks that's what they care about
U don't need it
just see them ur landing pages
and other earnings From other affiliate networks that's what they care about

I don't have them yet, that's the point. I'm making plans for applying to networks, haven't been accepted nor made earnings yet, so I can't get those earnings. Also, I don't plan on making any landing page until I have offers to promote, so I'm trying to decide on the website that comes before all that.

That was just a suggestion what is possible. Free yourself from too rigid views of the Internet.

Yeah I know there's many options, I'm just trying to learn what most people are doing and learning what the options are exactly.

Thanks again for the advice
buddy u don't need a website beleive me
i don't have a web site and got accepted
they don't care about ur website they care about ur experience
tell them ur plan
pick phone and call them
start with expertmobi
and maxbounty
they will accept u
buddy u don't need a website beleive me
i don't have a web site and got accepted
they don't care about ur website they care about ur experience
tell them ur plan
pick phone and call them
start with expertmobi
and maxbounty
they will accept u
This is also possible, of course. This is the pressure cooker ;)
Yeah, I know I don't need a website, but when you don't have that experience (e.g. "they just care about your experience"), I have to try to make up for that, so I'm just trying to cover my bases. I've got some knowledge but a limited budget, so that's just another potential issue I want to try to avoid. It's probably something I'll want eventually so it never hurt to gather information. I've applied to ogads so we'll see how that goes.

I appreciate the advice guys
I will say that it is a good thing that you are sharing with us the questions that you have with expectation of getting some results. I will say that for you to have landing pages that are genuine and will help you collect data, then you need to have their own domain. I will for sure tell you that people are very keen and will want to see a domain that speak the same language as the landing page. On other key things,make sure you have done extensive research so that you get the comparisons