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Programming tools : your favorites?



Everyone has their own favorites, but it would be interesting to see who likes what and the reason why they like. Also, list what platform you prefer and use, what alternatives you tried and why you didn't liked them. I'll start it off :

I've been using linux as my development platform for about two years now. I also like freebsd. I like using them because they are secure, open source and very flexible with lots of open source applications. As far as programming tools are concerned, i prefer to use kate. A kde based text editor, with no fancy features such as function autocomplete or code intelligence. I like because it is simple and helps me get the job done without getting too much into my way. Sometimes i also use quanta plus (kde based web development environment), but not much of the time.

Tools which i tried previously and didn't like are eclipse (too slow), activestate komodo ide (too expensive) and kdevelop (tries to be everything for everyone, very complex).

I was considering doing a Dreamweaver Course @ Salisbury College UK. As at the moment I have the complete package and I have not even atempted doing work with it yet.
i would like to encourage you to participate in that course, but you may execute its tutorial as well. They have quite a good support community at the adobe website.:)
Really, what about when you need to non-web related development work. For example, when you need to develop a program in Java or maybe C.

I don't have any non web based project. I'm not a coder or anything, simply a hobby time webmaster who is very happy with the DW:dance2:
eclipse, netbeans, kdevelop are all very glossy and clever but to be honest I'm a purist, I like vim and a terminal based compiler, nothing too fancy. Everything takes a bit longer but that way you know what every line of code is doing instead of having insolent IDE's adding their own cruft where you don't want it...
My Favorite is EditPad Pro. It is basically like notepad with many enhancements. Been using it for over eight years now. It works well with any language type, may it be a scripting language or OOP language. Although all I do in it is mainly PHP and Javascript. However, I started doing php in OOP style and happen to like it better than Procedural style in most instances. Ok that's going a little off topic now. :eek:
Dream weaver is my favorite programming tool. because it provide very much help during program writting.
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textmate(notepad), cyberduck(ftp) and web development tool bar. Also a plugin that shows the code in its tags - hard to explain but SO useful!
Dreamweaver 8,
MS Notepad / Wordpad,
Microsoft Expression Web.

DW8 being the most used. :)
Ultraedit 32 / UE Studio IDE - decent enough for win32 and runs under Wine as well... what i really love about it (other than it being the editor that i have used for over 8 years) is support for remote files under FTP/SSH2/SFTP etc accounts and direct on-server editing :)

I guess for a webdev a pretty important tool is their browser though - at present, I use FF3 with firebug 1.2 and a few other really handy plugins for js and php developers, but also helping debug header redirects from apache...