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Please tell me what you think of this Affiliate Program


New Member
This is an affiliate program I stumbled across when I was search for deals on a RAZR V3 cell phone. Basically the program is free and when you sign up, a website with affiliate code is generated. There compensation plan pays $50 per phone sold under your affiliate code. All of the phones are the newest and greatest and almost all of them have 100% mail in rebates and free shipping.

Here is the part that I though was cool.. I signed up for the affiliate program and then bought my phone through my own site. I logged into my affiliate tracking system and it shows that I will receive a check in 35 days for $50, plus I am getting the phone basically for free. Below is a link to read about the affiliate program. If for some reason you decide to do this, please use my link. If some one buys a phone from your site, then I would get $10 since you would be my sub affiliate. It would be very much appreciated.

Make sure to read about the comp plan. It seems to be very generous

Here is a link to my front end affiliate site. It is actually really nice

Let me know what you guys think.
Noonzie.. now proud owner of a Black RAZR V3 :)

((affiliate links stripped by Linda))
Hi noonzie,

Welcome to 5 Star. Sorry I had to strip your links. You seemed very innocent with the way you wrote your post. I know this is an affiliate forum and I would love to let everyone post their affiliate links, but if I did the spammers would be on this forum like vultures and all you would see is self promotion and no one would post valuable advice and support. If I let one person post links then everyone will want to. Sorry about that.

You can however have a link in your signature. That way people can click if they are interested but the ad does not take up the whole post.
Not to start, but thank you for asking. I don't really have this listed in the rules anywhere, but due to bandwidth issues I would rather allow images in sigs after you are an active member with 10 posts. Also after 10 posts you can advertise down in the ads section. :)