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Please help! I'm frustrated



I've been a struggling affiliate for the past five years and I'm yet to make a sale. I've tried all the known strategies but still not getting anywhere. Cant someone tell me what it is that I'm doing wrong. I pick my keywords but they dont show on google or any other search engine and as a result I'm having a hard time getting sales. What is it that I'm doing wrong?

Your advice would be appreciated

Thanx in advance
I'm afraid your question is far to broad to answer. What does "I've tried all the known strategies" mean? It's hard to know what you're doing wrong when we don't know
  • what you're doing
  • what you're trying to sell
  • who you're trying to sell it to
  • how you're trying to sell it
  • etc., etc.
I have a couple of blogs on laptop maintenance, Internet Marketing and I promote clickbank products on these blogs. I've tried using article directories, forums, e.t.c but still no luck..Maybe I'm using them wrongly..I dont know!
Those are probably pretty busy niches. You're going to have to get creative to promote your sites into the top 10 search results.

What blog format are you using?
Hi kaymeis, if you're willing to let me take a look at a couple of your sites, I might be able to help you pinpoint the problem. You can PM or e-mail them to me if you don't want to post them publicly.
Focus... something most of us struggle with...

I would suggest instead of trying all the methods, that you try to focus on a single method.

Why not find a site in your niche that is very successful, and simply copy them? I'm not talking about copying anything word-for-word, just copying the general strategies that they use.

Just a suggestion (and maybe you are already doing this): You might want to develop an email list in the niche(s) you are in. If you try to direct what visitors you do have onto your mailing list, over time, you should be able to assemble a list large enough to generate a noticeable number of sales whenever you email out a promotion.
Which keywords are you aiming for? As mentioned earier, the topics of your blogs are highly competitive so maybe you have to pick up 3-4 word-long keyword phrases.

I might be more helpful if I actually see your work.
I guess that your site is still not so attractive that it can?t be shown in the first pages of Google search results. Maybe you should consider increase the page rank of your site to promote your product.
You really should be more specific, that would help to help you! :)
As far I am considered I think the problem could be in keywords which you have chosen! Maybe you have chosen those with very high search number and as well with very high competition, then there is no way how you will get in first results, if also your page is young and you have not built backlinks as well.

So I would suggest you to go back to your keywords, check how high competition has your current keywords and maybe you should chose completely others with lower competition and if necessary start all from the begging, because if your current strategy does not work you must change it, if you want to get results!
Focus... something most of us struggle with...

I would suggest instead of trying all the methods, that you try to focus on a single method.

Why not find a site in your niche that is very successful, and simply copy them? I'm not talking about copying anything word-for-word, just copying the general strategies that they use.

Just a suggestion (and maybe you are already doing this): You might want to develop an email list in the niche(s) you are in. If you try to direct what visitors you do have onto your mailing list, over time, you should be able to assemble a list large enough to generate a noticeable number of sales whenever you email out a promotion.

I totally agree with Nathan. Internet marketing is not simple stuff - yes, the business model can be simple - but turning a profit is another story.

As well, why don't you try some social media campaigns? Create some profiles, build a network, and INTERACT with your followers.

Keyword business can get complicated. Many companies have highly trained analysts doing multi-variate keyword testing, large adword expenditures, etc.