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New Merchant, Looking for Advice!


New Member
Hello! I am looking for some honest advice on the new affiliate program I am offering. It has literally just gone live in the past 24 hours, and I want to get some expert advice from successful affiliates on what I am doing right and wrong.

First, I am a new ClickBank vendor (tman7695). I have just published my first eBook and am seeking to attract affiliates. My fear is that my product will get "lost in the shuffle"... or that I am not properly appealing to affiliates. I followed ClickBanks advice on everything I could, but there is still that paranoia!

At the advice of ClickBank, I am offering the biggest affiliate commisson allowable (75%), and have set up a website specifically targeted at attracting affiliates. It is still somewhat of a work in progress, and your advice on what you'd like to see included on the site would be a huge help. The site is 30in90 Affiliate Page.

Ultimately, I'd like to see my eBook get as much exposure as possible because I think it can help a lot of people. But I know that if I don't go about attracting affiliates the right way... that simply isn't going to happen.

Thoughts? Advice? Criticism? I can take it! :)

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Hi Travis,

I don't personally work in the space, but I know weight loss has a lot of competition right now. This is bound to make it tough for you, epecially with a new product. This means everything needs to be better than your competitors. Just a few things I noticed:

1) Try varying your creative a bit. All the banners you have available are identical, and it looks like they were simply resized. Some of them look a bit "squished" too. I'd try a bit less text and more graphic content.

2) This one's just my own opinion, but I might add a passage on that page explaining why an affiliate would want to promote your ebook over pills, diets, etc. These types of offers already convert for a lot of affiliates, so convince them why yours will do better.

I'm an AM, not an affiliate, so someone on the other end can probably throw in more info than what my 2 cents is worth.

Good luck, Travis!
Thanks Mike! Your post got me thinking about additional resources that I should make available. I've spent the last 8 hours creating and including them on my affiliate page. Whew, long night!

I agree that I need to vary my banner creative a bit. I suppose that is a project for tomorrow.

I have also pondered what you said about why an affiliate would want to promote my product over pills and diets. I think you're right, that a well written explanation on why my product is different is in order. Just trying to come up with the right wording.

Maybe that has already been accomplished by the resources I have added? Then again, putting that information in the first few paragraphs of the page would probably be a good idea.

I appreciate you taking the time to review my content. When you have the time, let me know what you think about the additional resources I have made available.
Maybe that has already been accomplished by the resources I have added?

You do touch on this a bit in some of the content you have in your first section, but it should be more prominent and straight forward. There are a few main things affiliates will want to know right off the bat about your program (there are more, but these are some basic ones):

1) What are you selling?
2) What are you paying?
3) Why will your product convert better?

You'll want to make sure you address these on this page.

You also have a lot of info on your page and, it's not bad, it's just a big read. If this page is going to be completely dedicated to recruiting affiliates, you might consider trimming it down to only info centered around answering these main questions. Try bullet points instead of paragraphs. If affiliates aren't already 100% sold on promoting your product when they get to this page, they won't sift through all this info to find the answers they're looking for, they'll just leave.