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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate



New Member
Hello Everyone,

I'm new to the forum here. I'm on a quest to learn affiliate marketing. After reading many blogs, I found 5 Star Affilate Program blog to have excellent content which is why I decided to join the forum.

I would like to find a mentor that would be willing to teach me how to make a living with affiliate marketing.

A bit about myself, I'm currently enrolled in a community college in Chicago. I'm considered a non-traditional student (meaning I'm much older.) I'm also unemployed and am in need of some immediate income.

I look forward to learning as well as sharing my knowledge as I learn.
Hi Eric,

Welcome to 5 Star. Thanks for joining us and thanks for the compliment on my blog.

I hope you know that affiliate marketing is not a get rich quick type of thing so if you need immediate income you should probably look for other options and work on affiliate marketing part time.

The best place here at the forum to start is to read all the stickies in the newbie forum. Then ask questions if you have any and we'll try to help.
Welcome to affiliate marketing forums.
Here you can gain a lot of thing that you want. It is not a matter how old is you the mater are how you have confidence to achieve our goal. If you work hard and concentrate your aim certainly you get success.
Hello Linda,

Thanks for your reply and warm welcome.

Yes, I do know that affiliate marketing isn't a get rich quick thing (what really is?)
I know that there will be a learning curve, trials and errors (which some I've already made), and just like any business, whether a typical brick and motar or an online business, income will be slow.

I am looking for other options for income which takes most of my time. Actually, the process of looking for work in this economy can be a full-time job. I'm actaully working as a tutor in the "No Child Left Behind" program. Unfortunatly, this only provide 5 hours a week employement and will end in March.

I will take your advice and look start viewing the stickies. I look forward to letting you know how I'm progressing.

Thanks again for creating such a wonderful forum,
Hi Sammikr06,

Thanks for your words of encouragement. I know my mind tends to wonder, and what I have learned is you do have to concentrate and focus to master something to achieve any success.

I thank again for your support,
Welcome to 5 Star, theblognovice.

You have come to one of the best possible places to learn affiliate marketing. Linda told you about our Newbie Affiliate Forum, which is a great place to get started because it is loaded with so much useful information that will help you know what to do and what to avoid.

Another great thing about being a member here is our friendly members who are knowledgeable and very helpful. You can ask questions whenever you have any and receive great answers without anyone trying to sell you anything because that is something we don't allow in posts made in our discussion forums.

I hope to see you participating in our discussions.

Thanks for joining.
Hi Larwee,

Thanks for welcoming me here to the forum.

Regarding questions, I'm already have a few brewing from one of the stickies that I'm reading regarding the SEO Book Keyword suggestion tool. Should I address the question here in the introduction forum, another area of the forum or should I address it in the SEO Book's forum? I certainly would like for everyone here to benefit from my learning, answers and particaption, however, I don't know where my questions would best be addressed.

To answer your question, the Introduce Yourself Forum is only for members to introduce themselves and for others to welcome them. All specific questions should be asked in the appropriate forum.

There are many members who don't visit the Introduce Yourself Forum because they know it is introductions and welcomes. So specific questions could get missed if posted in the Introduce Yourself Forum.

Also, there are some people who only visit their favorite forums here. For some that is the area in which they specialize. They could miss your post in the Introduce Yourself Forum, but they would see it in the appropriate forum that they visit.

If you see something in a particular thread that you want to add relative information to or that you have a question directly related to that thread, then you should post in that thread.

If you want to post information about a particular topic or you have a question about a particular topic you should post it in the forum that is related to that topic.

Just do your best, if you post something in the wrong forum we will move it.
Hi Eric. Sorry to hear about your employment situation. I do wish you the best of luck. I'm still new to this Affiliate stuff also but I'll tell you what I have done so far. I've found that it is a process of learning lots of tiny little steps. But I first learned how to create a blog for a landing page and another one for an article page. I then created a few articles based upon my niche. But before I started my articles I found some keywords that people Google with, you want to make sure that those keywords are related to your niche and are relevant to what you want to promote. You write your article then you publish it on your article blog. That the easy part. The work begins when you start to backlink in order to get your articles ranked by the search engines. That is called SEO. I've had some good success getting some of my articles ranked by Google and I'm sure you will also. Welcome and I'll see you in the other threads.