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Internet Speedway

Dane Grey

New Member
Has anyone heard of "Internet Speedway"? I read a totally unsolicited email about this program. You get a web page (or storefront), wholesale stuff to load onto your page and you link through paypal for credit card payments, etc. They then drop ship for you so it looks like you sent it and you earn a profit. You get some sort of package in the mail initially "My Wholesaler Dropshipper Kit" for $9.95 (supposedly valued at $2,087) and then if you decide to stay on you get billed $69.95 for five months. I am wondering if anyone is using this and if so, are you making money and is it worth it? Also, I wonder if the site is a template or whatever, can you do SEO to get the search engines to pick it up, etc. Most of these "cookie cutter" sites don't allow editing for SEO, so you have NO HOPE of being "seen" on the net. Comments, etc. welcome.
Whenever you hear about something that sounds too good to be true or even before you buy anything that makes you leery, always Google: product name or company name + scam. Granted any company can have a few unhappy customers, but if there are a ton of similar reports than you can judge the overall consensus.

So ck this:
"Internet Speedway" scam - Google Search

I'm not saying it's a scam. I don't know anything about it.
Just pointing you to what others have said.
Thanks for that, you are SO right. I know, they stuff these things in your face and expect you to jump on them and they probably suck a few people in because they think WOW that would be so easy to make money with... but they are the ones making money, apparently... LOL. I actually replied to the email with piles of questions. Probably won't get a response.
Check out a site called It gives a pretty objective assessment of the site. Based on a lot of the comments on there, a lot of people didn't like it very much, but some people made money off it just fine.

Based on the few comments I've read, it seems like it was one of those programs where you spent money on a membership to join which is not wrong if the membership offers you the right kind of tools and tutorials, tips on how to market yourself, etc.

It sounded like ispeedway gave them websites and some tools and said, "Here, have fun." So you end up struggling on your own. If you're going to have to struggle like that, you could have done it for free.

Anytime you want to consider paying for a membership for a wealth building program, make sure that program actively helps you make money because it helps them with their reputation and bringing in more people who want to join.

Are they teaching you how to market, and I don't with a few pages saying: "You can market with article marketing and blogging and social networking" and "pay-per-click". Hell, many an ebook have been sold telling you that very thing...for cheaper. Do they have good tutorials? Is there a dude on camtasia videos explaining the features within the program, clicking through and all that? If not, you might as well find that stuff on You Tube for Free.

Is their staff courteous and quick and answers questions with even the nitpickiest of details? Does the staff give you recommendations and make comparisons and point out idosyncracies that newbies tend to fall into or do they just give you the kind "I-don't-know-just-do-this" attitude.

Does their program show you what your tools, webpages, control panel is going to look like before you join? Do they show how to navigate it? Point out particularly special features. Do they offer off-line seminars, webinars, other places for you to get help outside of their program. These wealth-building programs should be pointing the way on getting you started, walking you through some of the features. When you see them do it, then you feel confident you can do it. A real wealth building program has leaders who follow their own example they set, not just hand you a book and say, "Here. Read this." and take off.

The leaders of these programs should not be afraid to show their faces on their own website or product. They don't have you talking to clipart. If they are the leader of the program, they act like it. They stand their ground, and they have just as much to lose as everyone else, sometimes more. They should not be afraid to lose prospects because if they are serious about wealth building, they know they will attract people serious about their wealth-building. They should not act desperate and clambor to everyone. Junk in, Junk out and you end up suffering because of sheer greed. Something that is just half-a-scam is still s scam. You should not have to pay for being left twisting in the wind.

Always look at wealth-building programs with a scrutinizing eye, then also examine yourself. You will run into legit programs and non-legit programs. You will notice all legit-programs have the same pattern: they will challenge you to work for your money. You will required to work for your money to get real rewards. They can make it easy for you, but you will pay for their expertise. If you're willing to do that and acknowledge that, then at least you are informed. Scam programs tell you it's easier than you think, costs nothing, really doesn't require anything -- CRAP. Sheer Crap.

You might be thinking to yourself: I don't believe in get-rich-quick schemes, but when you do the jump-jump thing from one affiliate program to another, you're looking for a get-rich-quick scheme (usually in the form of get-rich-quick for little to no money scheme).

There's always investment involved in money-making, some less than others. But when you volunteer to hand that money to someone else, make sure they go above and beyond.