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Importance of Domain Name


New Member
Hi all,

I would love to hear what you think the importance of a domain name is in terms of SEO. The name I want for my new site is taken, but not used, so I am thinking of branding my site by a name that is different from the domain name.

A domain name that contains your primary search terms does give you a bit of a boost in search results. However, you can overcome that with having the search terms as the anchor text for incoming links as long as that anchor text matches the content of your pages.
I would always target a domain name which is related to the product or service I am promoting. I would first see if the following domain extensions are available .com, .net and .org. I don’t bother with anything else. Now if the domain name I require is not available, I would do some further keyword and long tail keyword analyst. There are free keyword tools available, such as google keyword tool. Search and filter results which show high volume searches, take your list and try again for domain names which might be available. I would say anything above 35,000 searches per month is worth looking at. Register build your domain and get to work building related keyword anchor text links. Target these lower search volume keywords and build your site around these. You will pull regular volumes of targeted traffic using this method, with good conversion results in return :)
I would always target a domain name which is related to the product or service I am promoting. I would first see if the following domain extensions are available .com, .net and .org. I don?t bother with anything else. Now if the domain name I require is not available, I would do some further keyword and long tail keyword analyst. There are free keyword tools available, such as google keyword tool. Search and filter results which show high volume searches, take your list and try again for domain names which might be available. I would say anything above 35,000 searches per month is worth looking at. Register build your domain and get to work building related keyword anchor text links. Target these lower search volume keywords and build your site around these. You will pull regular volumes of targeted traffic using this method, with good conversion results in return :)

As I said, it's nice if you can get a "keyword domain" but any search will show you that if you can't it's far from the end of the world. That "keyword domain" will give you a slight edge, especially when you are first starting a site, but you can easily outrank keyword domains with good in-page and off-opage SEO.

Look at this search for the term "seo" as an example: seo - Google Search

Notice the domains at the top of that list.
Personally I think it is a very nice boost if you can get your main keyword in your URL. Anything that can help boost your SEO is great.
Personally I think it is a very nice boost if you can get your main keyword in your URL. Anything that can help boost your SEO is great.

Absolutely. What we're discussing is the case where your keyword domain isn't available.
well, you must make sure that your domain name is related to your website. Keep it short and easy to remember, so people would not enter a wrong URL.
As I said, it's nice if you can get a "keyword domain" but any search will show you that if you can't it's far from the end of the world. That "keyword domain" will give you a slight edge, especially when you are first starting a site, but you can easily outrank keyword domains with good in-page and off-opage SEO.

Look at this search for the term "seo" as an example: seo - Google Search

Notice the domains at the top of that list.

excellent example! So, lets say I want my site to be called "Luxury Diamonds" but is taken...can I choose something like and then still title my site "Luxury Diamonds" for branding purposes?
If youi do your SEP right, you don't even NEED keywords in the domain. As I said, it's helpful but not critical. Frankly, anchor text of incoming links plays a much bigger role in ranking.
As far as SEO, keywords among a domain name is essential for better rankings as of this writing.;)

Take care,

Bernard St-Pierre
Marketing Consultant
As minstrel said, having your keyword in your domain name is a bonus but it's not absolutely necessary. You can still make up for it by other means, such as choosing good anchor texts for incoming links.
This is such a big debate, personally I have seen my competitors sky rocket to the top of the search engines and stay at the top of search engines with a domain name that had no keywords whatsoever in it. Of course granted they had a lot of links, but personally I really feel it's a link game, whoever gets the most quality inbound links wins there way to the top!
Exact match domains are great if you are targeting a single keyword and basically making a mini site. I have a lot of local domains that only target one keyword and they rank - sometimes with no content.

But as was mentioned already you don't need to have the keyword in the domain. But you should have it in the URL ... ie. DomainName [dot] com/your-keyword-in-url

This is how you do it with authority sites.

Goofle has announced that they will soon be discounting the value of the domain name in their ranking algorithms.
I have just bought a domain on art. I'm thinking that it should be the same as my kw which has PR ranking of 2.3 according to domain analyzer. which i compare with the other one that has PR of 1.33 .I chose the 1st one that domain because it sounds better than the other.:D Well because my perception is that it doesn't matter i'll just create good content on that. does it make sense?! :p good thing i drop by here. Its just the edge but success of the site doesn't depend on that right?! Thanks!;)
There may be all sorts of reasons for preferring one domain over another, not the least of which is memorability or branding. But a keyword domain is not a necessity for ranking and any benefit it may have had previously is about to be removed by Google.

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Note: This does NOT mean that having a keyword domain will HURT you. It only means that in future it won't help even as much as it used to.
Very well explained. Thanks for the video minstrel. So no need to worry with my domain just focus with the content of my KW.;)