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AffKit Ninja
Did you know its possible to boil an egg in your kettle?
  1. Fill kettle near capacity
  2. Boil kettle
  3. Add your egg(s) - carefully, with spoon
  4. Re-boil kettle for 3-4 minutes, or longer if you want hard boil eggs
  5. Empty water
  6. Eat eggs
  7. Rejoice at learning something new! :p

If your electic kettle has a coil at the bottom its best to place a book under one side of the kettle so it tilts sideways while it boils


I did not know that..!

But I can tell you how to boil eggs in a Microwave..!

Put 1 egg in a coffee cup filled with water, add about a teaspoon of salt and heat for 5 minutes..!

Boom..! Beautiful Egg..!

If you don’t add the salt... EXPLOSION..!

I forgot one time..!