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How much time to spend on social networking?

I just came back from 3 days at Blogworld... so I'm convinced I need to spend at least an hour a day - every day - doing social networking

I'm gonna try and combine my product sites - where people come, buy something annonomously and leave...

with blogging... where people come, have a virtual cup of coffee, chat, buy something... and leave....
Hey Billy,

Not sure if you saw the MarketLeverage post on the previous page but she said:

I sat in Gary Vaynerchuck's keynote at BlogWorld this past weekend and he recommended spending 2-3 hours a day leaving comments (non-spam) on other blogs.

To me that's a lot, but depending on what else you have to do to run your business and what type of biz it is. Like I told her I can see doing that if you're a full-time blogger and your only job is to run and get traffic to your blog. But if you are an affiliate or AM or merchant and have lots of other priorities carving out that much time would be tough.
Exactly Linda

I went into BW thinking add one paragraph a day... in a few months I'd have an acceptable blog

Nope!! It's just as much work as affiliate marketing.

But I WILL merge the two... already started
That would very tough to say how much time would each person spend on social networking.. as it is based on each person tendency..... neways to much of addiction to useless networking sites is just waste of time.....
I spend 4-5 hours in a day on social networking site. Digg, squidoo and stumbleupon are the best social networking site to generate lots of traffic to site.
I've been spending a lot of time on twitter recently, about 5 hours a day (most of which multitasking), and find that I've gotten some significant traffic boosts as a result. I'd highly reccomend using twitter as at least one of your methods of social networking, it seems to be on the up and up with no chance of looking back.
I spend at least 2 hours a day on social networking. And it really brings results.
My point of view is that bloggs are the most effective way achieving smth.
Social Networking has really been driving my business through the roof lately.

I have Twitter on all day, and spend a good amount of time daily doing writing, as well as coordinating with my marketing team to drive traffic to our sites.

Networking with people brings trust --> Giving away yourself to them --> More trust and loyalty.
I spend at least an hour a day. I found that MySpace groups and YouTube are very useful for getting a lot of website traffic. Twitter is also very good but more time demanding in my opinion
I check a few each day, digg is a good one, myspace im a bit iffy if its even worth it, and the others are alright, i have yet to see a pull in traffic but it hasnt been too long for something of them.
I spend maybe 1-2 hrs a day on informal social media...Twitter mostly, and sometimes social bookmarking if I find a bookmark-worthy story on my Digg feed.

I try to keep my time limited and focused, because it's easy for me to get distracted and lose track of time. But sometimes it's that mindless wandering that shows me some great resources or stories online -- that I actually need for my own site. So while I don't like to "surf" sometimes it's the best thing I can do.
I don't spend much time on social marketing, probably should do more. I usually just stumble or digg my articles where they are listed