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How many Facebook likes have you got?


How many Facebook likes has your website got?

Admin Forums has over 4,000 but I rarely use Facebook.
Yeah I never get why forums have facebook, i can understand websites having a facebook page, but facebook pages are basically just disorganised forums.
Yeah I never get why forums have facebook, i can understand websites having a facebook page, but facebook pages are basically just disorganised forums.
I have a page but never update or use it, The actually website itself (not the page) has over 4,000 likes :)
At current on my Facebook page for my forum I currently have 62 likes which I am very pleased about. I have found that using it for promotion I do get alot of traffic and interest just from those 62. I would like more likes and I think I will work towards getting some more to help get a boost in promotion.
The amount of Likes i have varies on my different pages.
For the following of my website's facebook pages, this is the amount of followers i have..
My Xbox Forum: 545 Likes
My Admin Forum: 10 Likes
I have a few other facebook pages that are not for websites, but just stand alone pages.
These only have a few hundred Likes between them.

Not much activity on Facebook but we have 13 likes on our Facebook page so far.

Seem to come across many sites that have just launched with several thousands of likes or just disproportionate to the size and popularity of the site, most likely these 'likes' would have been bought.
I am a photographer since 2 years and I created my Facebook fanpage to showcase my works and get possible clients to contact me there. Till now, I have around 4500 likes and I hope they add up slowly everyday.
I own a site called Bizarrihaha and I have a fanpage on Facebook.

I managed to collect around 1050 fans so far, hopefully it will increase.
I've been able to get around 3,000 likes on my Facebook page. This has proven to be great as I'm now generating about 150% more traffic on my blog through Facebook posts and offers. Also I hold competitions which requires the people who have already liked the page, to ask their friends to like it too and this really helps increase the likes.
For like 4 years now I have published and run a programming -oriented site and most of my traffic comes from facebook likes. I have a facebook page that has the exact subject as my blogs content and whenever I make new posts I usually like the page first to ensure my internet friends gets interest in making their likes also. For now, I have 4000 likes and have proud of them since they have also contributed into more traffic into my business.