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How long does it REALLY take to get a decent Page Rank?


New Member
I had this question brimming in my mind that what factors can really count for your PR. I understand that getting one way links from high PR pages can play a major role.

But, is it possible that you get a decent PR by investing in one way links? For example, I plan to buy 15-20 high PR links from PR4-PR8. Of course, I will have good content on the site as well.

Would I be able to get a decent PR in a month's period if I spend considerable time in SEO, and getting high PR links.

Just a thought, I would like to see what others have to say on this topic?

Shawn Jacobs
Colocation America
I had this question brimming in my mind that what factors can really count for your PR. I understand that getting one way links from high PR pages can play a major role.

But, is it possible that you get a decent PR by investing in one way links? For example, I plan to buy 15-20 high PR links from PR4-PR8. Of course, I will have good content on the site as well.

Would I be able to get a decent PR in a month's period if I spend considerable time in SEO, and getting high PR links.

Yes, getting incoming links from high PR pages will help - if the content of the page providing the l;ink is related to the content of your page. Getting incoming links from low PR pages with related content can also help. Getting links from pages with unrelated content will not help, or at least not as much.

Whether the links are one-way, two-way (reciprocal), three-way, or five-way doesn't matter a damn. A lot of webmasters and self-styled SEO "experts" have been confused about this for years. Reciprocal links occur both organically and by arrangement and there is absolutely nothing wrong with reciprocal linking, as long as the content of the linked pages makes sense.

As for buying links, it really depends on the type of link, whether they are dofollow or no follow, and again whether the content of the pages linking to you are related to the content of your page. Google has come out repeatedly trying to bully people into nofollowing all but organic links. Not only is this hypocritical (Google inserts paid ads into their own search results but doesn't like it when webmasters do pretty much the same thing?), it's also largely unenforceable. There's no question that paid links work, whatever Matt Cutts and the Google crew try to make you believe. Nonetheless, they have intimidated many webmasters into compliance so buying a link may well mean you're buying a nofollow or scripted link that is not going to pass any PR to your page at all. Be careful about this.

As to the time it takes, that's hard to say because it depends on many factors, including but not limited to how frequently your site is crawled, how frequently the linking sites are crawled, etc., etc.
Whether the links are one-way, two-way (reciprocal), three-way, or five-way doesn't matter a damn.

As for the 3 way linking, Google has little control over most stuff like that.
Some people doing 3 way link exchanges are doing it with the express intent to manipulate search results, however, I think, there are of course legitimate cases to do this. :)
Sounds like you're thinking the right way, but I don't think you'll see decent PR in one month's time as one of the factors Google seems to apply is age of the domain.
I had this question brimming in my mind that what factors can really count for your PR. I understand that getting one way links from high PR pages can play a major role.

But, is it possible that you get a decent PR by investing in one way links? For example, I plan to buy 15-20 high PR links from PR4-PR8. Of course, I will have good content on the site as well.

Would I be able to get a decent PR in a month's period if I spend considerable time in SEO, and getting high PR links.

Just a thought, I would like to see what others have to say on this topic?

Shawn Jacobs
Colocation America


Do you think PageRank is still important factor for better ranking? I personally don't think PageRank does matter like earlier for better ranking. I would prefer to focus more on getting targeted traffic instead of getting high PR .
PageRank is still a factor for Google, although certainly it has never been the most important factor. And while PageRank is a Google patent, it depends on incoming links which are a factor for ranking in other search engines too.
PR reflects the reputation of the site so still, it is important. But for me, I'm much concern on the traffic I get.. This is much more important. I use social networking sites because they are really effective in driving great traffic to your site.
PR reflects the reputation of the site so still, it is important. But for me, I'm much concern on the traffic I get.. This is much more important. I use social networking sites because they are really effective in driving great traffic to your site.

PR really doesn't reflect anything except the quantity and quality of incoming links to a page, Since those links may be acquired in a number of ways, including outright purchase, they hardly reflect the reputation of the site. You can't buy a reputation but you can certainly buy PR.
I think it is not essential to have high number of back links but it is important to have quality back links.

There are few main things which determine your page rank.

* Age of your website.
* No of back links.
* Content on your site.
There are few main things which determine your page rank.

* Age of your website.
* No of back links.
* Content on your site.

Those are all things that are factors in how well you rank in search results for any given search term, but PageRank is determined solely by the number and quality of incoming links.
I think it is not essential to have high number of back links but it is important to have quality back links.

There are few main things which determine your page rank.

* Age of your website.
* No of back links.
* Content on your site.

- content on the site
does not really count you see, SE can't judge on how informative the content or how useful it is by crawling the content, but only on how many sites links to your site the higher is it the more important it will be distinguished

but content is very very important to the user
- content on the site
does not really count you see, SE can't judge on how informative the content or how useful it is by crawling the content, but only on how many sites links to your site the higher is it the more important it will be distinguished

but content is very very important to the user

Actually, page content is important to ranking for any given search term.. first, because that search term should exist in the page content, or at least a semantic equivalent, and second because the value of incoming links depends on how well the anchor text of those links and the content of the pages containing the links match the content of the page receiving the links and the specific search term used.
ah yes of course, was more thinking on the thought on the content or the information conveyed - yes, keyword density and all
stand corrected
Since we are on the subject: "How long does it REALLY take to get a decent Page Rank?"

I'd like to share something weird with you guys.

My website is less than 3 months old, that's right "3 months old" and I have a PR5

I'm not trying to spam this thread, and I am not lying either.

But, I just want to share the link with you...:) What do you think happened there?
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