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How Do You Spend Your Time & How Much?


New Member
How much time per day are you spending on affiliate marketing and what are you spending your time on?

Ex. 2 Hours per Day
1 Hour Checking Analytics
1 Hour Social Networking or Article Submission
Hi FatFish,

For me it really depends on how busy I am at the time (how many different campaigns I am running) As for your example, an hour a day on analytics is far too long. It is really easy to waste a lot of time on checking your stats when you could be getting other things done. Basically I will spend about an hour on new developing new content then 2-3 hours on link building.

Hmmm... what a question.

At least 8 hours a day on link building/website promotion/traffic building
Includes, articles, social bookmarks, directories, blog carnivals, blog comments, forums etc...

1.5 hours reading blogs and forums

2.5 hours a day on blog and site content (with keyword research included)

5 hours a week on tweaking ads and analyzing ad placement

Analytics - 3 hours a week at most!

Checking sale stats 15 min a day ;)

I really never leave the computer....eek
Agree with saysopete
really varies depending on how much free time I have and how motivated I feel
But I do a minimum of 2 hours a day
More on the weekend
As IM'ers we are prone to wasting too much time doing un-productive things, that's why it?s so important to learn how to manage or budget your time!

I find the secret to doing this is to brake your day into sections and always work on the things that will help your business progress! And most of the time it?s the little daily things we do that help the most!
I agree with netbiz, I think it's helpful to break your day into sections and maybe set goals ie. one hour to write 3 articles, one hour to update 2 blogs, another hour to create new ad campaign etc.
I spend roughly 5 hours daily on internet. Out of it maximum of my time is consumed on the backend operations for the sites of my clients and rest i devote to promote my own blog and my articles.