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How do I calculate epc's from an offer?


New Member
Hi guys,

I'm new to the Affiliate world so be gentle :)

How do I calculate epc's from an offer?

Good example can really help

Thanks a lot
$42/2398 clicks
.0175 EPC
Profit/clicks = EPC

$42/192K impressions
.21875 net per 1000 banners :eek:
it's a long time since i have calculated things like this.

that's true .

CPC = total revenue/clicks
EPC = Profit/clicks
ad spend/clicks = CPC

How about creating algorithms for website or even for landing pages -- user affinity based on events?
You wont find that on these simple web interface stats ...
i have no idea what you are talking about.

what do you mean by "user affinity based on events".
and what's the purpose of that ?.
and how you get that info ?, do you get it using google analytics events or what ?.
User affinity, as a metric, is gathered by the user events leading to a successful conversion.

The word affinity is synonymous to 'likes' so it is a gathering of the data of people (users/referrals) that convert in some way: subscribe or purchase would be two examples. It could also be: participate in a poll, register for a site., (etc -- the desired action).

The outcome of good customer affinity is a customer journey, as a proven dataset of actions, that results in your business objective. The opposite dataset -- demonstrated failure: e.g.; page falloff (page bounce), shopping cart abandonment, (other undesirable results) is the *anti-affinity* (to coin a term) or the "unlike" <<< what you need to fix.

The difference is gaining empirical data v. trial and error guesswork. You need a dataset of maybe 10K user sessions, as a statistically valid sample, on the same website/webpage to do this.

This is how you really understand A/B or multiple scenario testing.

@Graybeard, thanks for clarifying, i totally understand now.
and by the way that's good too when you want to run an ads, you just target users with the same affinity, who have converted.
User affinity, as a metric, is gathered by the user events leading to a successful conversion.

The word affinity is synonymous to 'likes' so it is a gathering of the data of people (users/referrals) that convert in some way: subscribe or purchase would be two examples. It could also be: participate in a poll, register for a site., (etc -- the desired action).

The outcome of good customer affinity is a customer journey, as a proven dataset of actions, that results in your business objective. The opposite dataset -- demonstrated failure: e.g.; page falloff (page bounce), shopping cart abandonment, (other undesirable results) is the *anti-affinity* (to coin a term) or the "unlike" <<< what you need to fix.

The difference is gaining empirical data v. trial and error guesswork. You need a dataset of maybe 10K user sessions, as a statistically valid sample, on the same website/webpage to do this.

This is how you really understand A/B or multiple scenario testing.
Pretty much right ...EPC---Earnings per click
So If total Revenue = $300
And total No of clicks is 1000 then
Hi guys,

I'm new to the Affiliate world so be gentle :)

How do I calculate epc's from an offer?

Good example can really help

Thanks a lot
Can i ask who you are running with since they are not showing you your EPC in their backend?

But most people already answered this. EPC is not always the best to go from though, sometimes CR makes more sense :)
HI Friends
You can find out by calculating the EPC. To calculate the EPC, you simply divide the commission generated by the number of clicks. For example, if you receive a commission of $20 after sending 100 clicks (visitors) to the merchant… It's very important to know this figure.
Easy to answer @guyseo :):p;)

epc calculation.png
most usually when considering ROI v. ROMI
if the project is just cash on cash -- EPC is probably the final arbitrator IMHO
If you have a value to consider of Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) and Lifetime Value(LTV) then the CR would mean more to me.