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Hello from Me


New Member

I'm new here, but not new to Webmastering....I hope to bring some good to
this forum, as I know that I'll be getting tons of "good" in return!

Best Regards,

Welcome to UK WW, we look forward to the good you are offering and lots of goodies awaits you as well :)
How to choose a host

There is no best host, only the host that best suits your needs is considered best for you

here are things to consider:

* your budget - probably the most deciding factor, so the golden rule is YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR, don't fall foul to the hosts that want to charge next to nothing, because they will run away with your money
* webspace and bandwidth - try and find ahost that has packages that meet your requirements: Remember that all sites start off using little and good hosts will have no problem in upgrading your account once your site gets popular, so don't start of with the biggest and therefore most expensive package
* your coding needs - make sure the host supports all the languages you plan to use or play with, such as php, also do you have acces to your own cgi-bin, and mysql databases
* research the host- Once you think you like the look of a host find out about their background, see if they have a forum - if they do have a good read of what their existing customers are posting.
Check to see how long they've been in business ( the longer the better - do a whois on their domain name and you'll see when it was registered).
Find out what datacenter their servers are located in - check to see it has good connection to the internet wit plebty of backups, and power backups too.
* security - if you are planning to perform business related activities on your web site, then security is a big issue, you should make sure that your host uses the latest security techniques & softwares and regularly applies new patches

For better hosting package go to Web Hosting by velnet

Welcome to ukwebmasterworld forums. Here you'll get good info for learning and earning. Just try to remain active here thats all.

Show the new guy around! Where do I find the post count that one must
reach before "Recent Blog:" is enabled and such :search: