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Hello :D


New Member

I am from 18 and I am from Lima, Peru. I am getting started in affiliate marketing, it has lots of opportunities. I know that I have to persist to get to the big numbers, but it is OK I like challenges.

See you around guys.:)
Welcome to 5 Star, izzy_affiliate.

Thanks for joining us all the way from Peru.

Yes, there are lots of opportunities with affiliate marketing. It is good that you like challenges.

Since you are new to affiliate marketing, you might want to spend some time reading as much as you can in our Newbie Affiliate Forum. Here is a link to that forum
Hi izzy_affiliate,

Welcome to 5 Star. Looks like you are ready to learn and starting with a good attitude. We're here to help.
I've always wanted to visit Peru. It seems like such a peaceful place:) You'll learn so much on this forum! I wish I was 18 when I started...
