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Google - Guys, I think you should really take a look at this

A $150 / yr subscription forum - no one's ramblings can be worth that much!
It costs you nothing to view that thread.

When a representative from Google, Yahoo! and MSN all participate in discussions there, yeah, I'd say it's worth my $12.50 a month. But that's just me, I like to make as much money as possible, and have as much information I can possibly absorb. I suppose this is why their paid subcription member list is so large. Who woulda thought in a million years a forum could actually charge visitors to view certain areas of their forum? And it's good to see what all the so called SEO gurus are saying, and then you do the opposite. It makes you really appreciate your mailman.
piece of dirt, and if they link frm text in your site no doubt it will be ilegal as well. ISBN numbers are not your copyright, so there is nothing you can do about it in the courts.
Is anyone here using something similar or planning on trying the script Paul linked to?
Many Many people are using it without problem. The problems come though in that Google can (and often do) flip switches in their algo. I have no doubt that they have written some sort of devaluing filter in the algo in rediness.
These guys (from Google) are not stupids.
They will come out with something. So if your script works for now, it is not 100% sure it will work in the future.

Anyway, does somebody actualy found a link in his page to Amazon or to other location, which is not put there by him?