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Get on the most advanced private blog network to really move up the SERPs [100% MONEY


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Above you see 21 sites with average google rank between them of 4. Not really a big deal for a lot of you. Everyone has had success like that. But i'm also pretty sure that many of you also have sites that look like they have hit a brick wall in their way up in the SERPs or it just takes you too much effort to do that. In both cases wouldn't it be great if you can fix that for $59 with absolutely no risk involved since if it doesn't work out you get your money back?OK, now imagine you have your own private network of 40 news sites. You can do anything with them and they look something like this...Offpage:
  • 2 to 12 years old, most are 5-6 years old
  • PR0 to PR5
  • Each new post on them automatically gets links from up to 80 other blogs (independent network), that means there are 80 links behind each of the 40 direct links you get or 3200 second tier links!
  • Each of those backlinks to your article gets submitted automatically to 29 RSS directories, so that makes 92 800 3rd tier links!! (quite impressive, isn't it)
  • That's an incredible link power delivered to you in a safe and controlled way. Tiering is the only way to get lots of link juice without rising any red flags and without the majority being devaluated or messing up your link velocity and links that have links to them look natural!
  • On top of that, both networks (the main one and the linking one) get constantly new links from the major bog syndication networks.
  • They are on different IPs, C zones, even couple different continents
  • And the most important part, considering the recent news that google is after the public syndication networks, this is private network with real sites that get limited outbound links on them!!
There are more in-depth details about the network below in case you need them, but if the 100% moneyback guarantee is enough for you, here is how to order:
Your article on 40 news sites - $59Super Spun Article with your links fitted in - $19Additional submission to Article Samurai network - $9All the above 3 - $77 (save $10)
After you pay, please send to the paypal email you sent the money to, the following:
  • As attachment in .txt file the spun article wth your links inserted
  • If you don't have one, order one and just send the links and the variations of the anchor text
  • For what time frame you want your links to be scheduled or tell us if you need advice on that
  • The main keyword you target, so we can track the progress
Additional services:
  • If you don't have well spun article we can provide you with super spun one, each paragraph is rewritten 5 times, and each sentence in each of those variations is rewritten 5 times with your links inserted so they fit the context. $19
  • Additional submission of that article to Article Samurai network. If you haven't heard about it yet that's because they have only 1500 subscribers at the moment and are closed! This is the biggest semi-public bog and article directories syndication network run by the guys who made Market Samurai. They claim to be the biggest one with about 50 000 sites and they also internally distribute to Unique Article Wizzard and Article Automation Network. If you didn't manage to sneak in when they opened for just 24 hours, here is your chance to have your article there as well for just $9
I'M SO CONFIDENT THAT THIS NETWORK WORKS PERFECT THAT I'LL REFUND THE FULL AMOUNT TO ANYONE THAT DOESN'T SEE A REASONABLE IMPROVEMENT OF THEIR RANKINGS.Now because the competition level is different for everyone i can't predict specific rankings, but I'll track your main keyword with you and if there isn't any reasonable progress in 30 days after the last link has been published, I'll refund your money and keep the links up. So, in the worst case you get 200 free links.Now back to the details about the network:They also have extremely strong internal linking structureOnpage:
  • 100% indexed
  • Updated every day with hot trending topics
  • There are links to related posts below each post
  • There are links from inside the posts to other related posts from matching keywords
  • The category pages are paginated, instead of just using the default WP structure of "