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Selling Fed Up With Dry, Uninspired Content That Never Converts?


New Member
(Check the latest post in this thread for more information on the TWO free review copies -- still available!)

What's up, everybody! I'm going to try and keep this brief, but can't make any promises...

First things first, though!

Who I Am, And Why You Should Even Care

I take a great amount of pride in the quality of my writing. Which isn't surprising considering I've been a freelance writer online for nearly six years now. I've cut my teeth and earned my stripes by constantly striving to be the best I could possibly be, so if I come off as a bit egotistical or brash then just know that it comes from a place of great pride and respect for the art of content/copy-writing. In addition to not just believing but actually knowing that I'm one of the best freelance writers that will ever grace this fine industry. And no, I don't have a problem with the ridiculously high expectations that go along with proclaiming something like that.

Some of you may already know me from my time as an Affiliate Manager/Account Registration Manager at Envyus Media. I'm still currently with them except now as the Managing Editor instead. Suffice it to say, the freelance writing services I'm offering herein are in no way, shape or form affiliated with Envyus Media (despite what you may have been led to believe by my handle). Even so, if you're an affiliate over there -- and if you're not, you very well frigging should be -- then you may already be familiar with my weekly e-mail blasts or staff blog posts. Based solely on what I've been told personally or through third parties, they're some extremely entertaining and engaging stuff. Probably because I'm a huge dork/weirdo.

I started out in this industry as a freelancer at the very bottom of the proverbial ladder. Basically, I was on the same level as most Indian copywriters except for the fact that I could actually speak English and hadn't just learned how to write for an audience in the previous few weeks. If I remember correctly, I started out charging just $1.00 per 100 words for my content, although this didn't last very long. I was quickly discovered to be on an entirely different planet skill-wise than most of the jokesters that were advertising their writing services back then. And this only rings even truer these days. Yes, this may sound arrogant, but it's true.

Instead of just writing to get by and doing nothing more, though, I actually did everything I could to learn about the various different marketing aspects of this fine industry as well. Not long after I started I was fortunate enough to write for many of the premier online marketers in the game, and this was something that I (thankfully) took the fullest advantage of. Ultimately, all this eventually led to several Affiliate Manager gigs at a few networks, finally culminating in my current position as Managing Editor of Envyus Media and ScrubKit today.

Suffice it to say, I not only have the writing chops, but I've been able to supplement it with my detailed knowledge of how to actually provide content that will convert effectively for whatever the specific purpose, no matter if it's for PPC, SEO, PPV, e-mail, social, offline styled offers -- it doesn't matter. Whether it's well-written, well-researched articles for your blog(s), super engaging, effective sales copy for your business, service(s) or product(s), or anything else under the sun, I've got you covered. So please believe that and feel free to take it to the bank.

Alas, in the interests of keeping this pitch under 20,000 words, let's jump headlong into the actual freelance writing service details that I provide, shall we?

The Nitty-Gritty Service Details

Never again will you need to put up with dry, ineffective and uninspired content for your websites, blogs or landing/sales pages. Nor will you need to hope that the cobbled-together ad copy you've managed to produce on your own will somehow stick to the PPC wall you half-heartedly tossed it at. Basically, if it can be written -- regardless of the contents true purpose -- I'm your man through and through (as creepy as that may sound).

But hold on Josh, you may be saying. All of this sounds entirely too good to be true. And you're right -- it most certainly does. But here's the catch: it doesn't come cheap, unfortunately.

Now, don't go thinking I'm going to be charging astronomical amounts or anything. To be completely honest, I think my current rates are entirely affordable and reasonable -- at least as long as you actually know what you're doing with the top-level content that I'm going to provide for you. Newcomers to this business without much available capital to invest in adequate freelance services need not apply. You'll get there one day, though, champ -- I promise!

Currently, I'm charging $6.00 per 100 words for my writing services (but be sure to read below for my special holiday discount). I usually almost always include a bulk discount on any jobs consisting of multiple articles, posts or pages in addition to offering somewhat random (but definitely consistent) specially discounted rates throughout the year as well. I'm not a greedy guy and will work with you if you've got limited money to spend as well, but don't take me for a sucker either. Because after all, you can't bullshit a bullshitter.

Anyway, I think it's about time I wrapped up this novella-length pitch post, no? In the interests of providing some incentive for anyone kind of/sort of still on the fence, I'll be offering all first-time customers a discounted $5.00 per 100 word rate from now through Christmas (ho, ho, ho!). My contact details are also located below for easy reference alongside the above quoted pricing rate and one-day discount details.

Now let's stop jibber-jabbering and get together to make you more money, shall we?

Speak soon!

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

Pertinent Contact Information:
Email: josh at envyusmedia dot com | Skype: gallynukes | Phone: Available upon request

Current Content Pricing Rates:
$6.00 Per 100 Words

Present Content Sales & Discounts:
All First-Time Customers Will Receive a Discounted $5.00 per 100 Word Rate From Now Through Christmas!
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I'll vouch, even though he doesn't know who I am. lol

Josh is nice with the words.

You can check out his stuff in Envyus Media's Affiliate University if you doubt mine.

edit: My words, i mean.
+1 for Josh!

I'll vouch, even though he doesn't know who I am. lol

Josh is nice with the words.

You can check out his stuff in Envyus Media's Affiliate University if you doubt mine.

edit: My words, i mean.

Thanks fellas! :D

And yeah, I actually forgot to link to that in case anyone wanted to see some samples, thanks Trameil.

Edit to add: It appears I can't post links until I'm up to 10 posts, so I guess we'll have to wait on that one for a bit. :p
Great post, Josh!

Be sure once my Air Ninja has made the leap across the big pond
I will land at your base.

(P.S.: $5 also possible for the 100s, due to the long haul flight?? :))
Great post, Josh!

Be sure once my Air Ninja has made the leap across the big pond
I will land at your base.

(P.S.: $5 also possible for the 100s, due to the long haul flight?? :))

Sounds good man, and you've got it! I'm actually thinking about just changing today's only discount to just be everyone's first order with me being at the $5.00 per 100 word pricing rate. Actually, yeah, I'm going to go do that right now. :p
Okay, so in the interests of walking the walk after I've already talked the talk (probably should have done that the other way around, but whatever), I'm going to offer up TWO free review copies to respected members of these here forums (up to a 500 word maximum).

Thanks, but I already know that's super kind and awesome of me. I try, I try!

So... who's it going to be?
Doesn't look like I can edit the original post to change the current rates, so just in case anyone's interested:

Now through the end of this month (see: this Saturday), I'm offering a discounted $4.00 per 100 word sale on any and all content orders. That includes blog/flog posts, articles, resumes, ad copy, sales pages and general copywriting of any and all kinds -- I do it all, friends, and I do it well!

So hit me up either on Skype (j.gallynukes) or on here -- whichever is easier for you is easier for me. I look forward to doing business with you!